Example sentences of "[vb -s] not [vb infin] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , it is clear that ( 12.12 ) does not generate a new solution , but merely a rotation of the original .
2 Our view , and the advice given us , is that the Bill does not represent a suitable way to deal with that problem .
3 Kaplan uses little mathematics , and although the book does not represent a thorough course in astrophysics it will make excellent supplementary reading .
4 I quote the 1986 agreement under which the industry agreed ’ to take special care to ensure that their advertising and promotion does not represent a greater attraction to young people than to the population as a whole . ’
5 It certainly does not represent a mere ‘ raising to consciousness ’ of the inhibition .
6 In binocular right-eye and left-eye viewing conditions , brisk OKN is elicited by right-to-left motion ; for left-to-right motion the number of beats is very small and does not represent a normal OKN response ( the traces at bottom illustrate the observer 's description of the pattern of eye movements in the two directions ) .
7 Figure 24.7 thus does not represent a single sequence .
8 Most interestingly however , the equivalent region of the HPV 6/11 URR was unable to compete for Oct-1 binding in these experiments , even at four hundred fold excess indicating that it does not represent a functional binding site for Oct-1 .
9 There is a Whip who does not represent a Scottish constituency .
10 That does not represent a sensible integration with agricultural production .
11 The United States has threatened to ban EC companies from bidding for a range of government contracts from 22 March if the EC does not drop a three per cent pricing preference for domestic over foreign suppliers in public utility contracts .
12 This does not settle a continuing debate but it does not need to .
13 In fact the ERM does not preclude a small cut in interest rates soon , because sterling has lately been strong .
14 The fact that this Y6N17 groundmass composition does not lie on the Haiti glass trend does not preclude a genetic association .
15 If the buyer does obtain ownership , then he does not suffer a total failure of consideration .
16 ‘ This labelling does not serve a public purpose in terms of nutrition or food safety .
17 However , the study of difference has acquired a newer meaning and can now be seen in the light of a test of our theories of development and language , and in a way which does not isolate a particular group under study .
18 Embracing such a cause does not ensure a black child 's welfare and may , unwittingly , damage it .
19 This implies that the Estate Agents ' dictionary does not cover a large enough subset of the language used in the Banking text to provide significantly representative collocations .
20 ‘ Nevertheless , Adam 's a qualified lawyer , ’ Freddy said , ‘ yet he put his name to a prospectus which says that all material information has been disclosed — but does not mention a fifteen per cent stock option that I was n't told about . ’
21 The Lincoln Record Office does not possess a single map of this kind , in an otherwise rich and varied collection of records .
22 Charlotte does not possess a high point of view on the subject of marriage .
23 The evidence presented above does not make a strong case tor substantial changes in Britain following the episode of Magnentius , but there is a sufficient number of indicators , at least , to suggest that the proposition can not be dismissed .
24 ‘ A contract does not make a great deal of difference .
25 Er now I would suggest that if somebody does not make a single spelling mistake and it or or grammatically error and it 's perfectly well presented give them full five marks okay .
26 An unregistered treaty remained valid under Article 18 , whereas an obligation does not bind a third party unless it has manifested its consent .
27 The case for Solaris on Intel , however , does not appear a strong one for Stuart at present , ‘ although I could be proven wrong ’ , he said .
28 Paragraph ( a ) is by way of restatement of the common law ; paragraph ( b ) extends it so as to make the disposition conversion even if it does not confer a good title on the disponee .
29 For example , whilst there is an obligation in law on A not to interfere with B 's freedom to pass along the highway , this of itself does not confer a positive right on B , though the effect may be the same .
30 A statement such as As for animals , I advocate a conservation policy , implies that animals are being contrasted with something else for which the speaker perhaps does not advocate a conservation policy .
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