Example sentences of "[vb -s] with [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In larger part , however , it probably lies with matters of definition .
2 We can all get a chuckle over that the fact that Microsoft is going to refuse to renew the cross-licence it has with IBM for Windows and NT after it expires next year .
3 ( Brilliance is not necessarily a difficulty here , since brightness drops with distance in nature , and so less bright distant landscapes would look normal . )
4 At first the simple machines available could only detect down a few inches , and — amongst other operating difficulties — encounters with tufts of grass caused them to constantly give off false signals .
5 In Britain 's candle market — worth about £20 million a year — it vies with imports from Holland , Belgium and Germany , and with cheap products from China .
6 One starts with communities of monks or canons or clerics serving a wide area from their church , until aristocrats founded small churches , served by one priest , on their estates , probably from a mixture of religious , social , and economic motives .
7 Thus the traditional formulation of an agenda needs to be changed so that a meeting starts with clarification of purpose , agreement on timing , allocation of tasks and consolidation of process issues from previous meetings .
8 Limousin heifers with calf at heel £1,240 .
9 Natural populations of white clover are polymorphic for incompatibility alleles and for the ability to form nitrogen fixing symbioses with strains of Rhizobium but these have not been looked at at Henfaes .
10 Foreign objects innocently thrown to dolphins may cause their death , as happens with dolphins in captivity .
11 The sufferer meets with incredulity from friends and relations : ‘ It 's in your imagination ’ or ‘ Of course there 's no banging or whistling going on .
12 King Hussein of Jordan meets with Saddam in Baghdad .
13 The EC " troika meets with Arafat in Tunis .
14 ‘ Nations ’ seem to be historically supersubjects with attributes of agency and action : they ‘ mobilize ’ , ‘ aspire ’ , ‘ propel themselves forward ’ , ‘ react ’ and they even have atavistic , irrational ‘ ideas ’ with traumas which explode periodically .
15 Codeine , which occurs with morphine in opium , relieves pain , but more feebly , and rarely causes dependence .
16 Their five-night tour takes in Durham Cathedral on Monday and Selby Abbey on Tuesday and culminates with Evensong at York Minster on Wednesday .
17 East meets West and Schoenberg merges with Shankar via Charlie Parker in the explorations of innovative composer Philip Glass .
18 LIFE disagrees with priest on Tony Bland case
19 The cache could provide valuable clues in the hunt for the IRA cell responsible for the explosion at Deal barracks , Kent , last month , which killed 10 men , and links with explosions at Army barracks at Mill Hill , north London , and Tern Hill , Shropshire .
20 Internal verification deals with consistency of application of standards within one centre .
21 The second ‘ Standard for Indoor General Storage ’ N.F.P.A number 231 , deals with storage of materials up to 7.5 metres in height representing the broad range of combustibles , stored in solid or palletised piles .
22 The first , the general sprinkler code , ‘ Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems ’ , N.F.P.A. number 13 , deals with storage of goods up to about 4 metres in height .
23 In the next chapter , which deals with experiments on sleep-learning , among other things , the evidence for this proposition will be discussed more fully .
24 The conceptual problem is that of interpreting the effects of localized stimulation in a system that probably deals with patterns of input .
25 In the Scotsman of December 8 , 1877 there is a chillingly inhuman extract from a Special Commission report on the state of the Highlands which deals with conditions in Mull .
26 The ethical committee also consists of at least five individual members , and deals with questions of ethics which may arise in connection with the dealing on the exchange .
27 Another release by Pentaline is ‘ Sabina 's Encounter ’ , a film that deals with barrenness in Africa .
28 There is a further variation on the above procedure , which is that under section 2 of the 1936 Act steps can be taken at an early stage on grounds of the novelty and importance of the order , or because it deals with matters outside Scotland , to convert the order into a substituted Bill , in which case it goes through both Houses as a Bill and is not dealt with under the standard 1936 procedure .
29 I am addressing this to the Chief Executive as I am uncertain which department deals with matters of building safety .
30 Subject to the conditions set out in the Scheme of Conditions of Service ( which also deals with absence through injury ) , your entitlement to sickness allowance is a s follows :
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