Example sentences of "[vb -s] that [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He adds that legal advice has indicated that there is a prima facie case against the auditors , but the decision on whether to take legal action will be made by a committee of two non-executive directors .
2 In the context , this ‘ very lax attitude ’ seems to be measured against circumstances ( such as late Old English or the present day ) in which there is a uniform standard of spelling : thus , what this really means is that in Early ME there was no uniform standard , and indeed Scragg adds that these scribes had ‘ no conception of a spelling standard ’ .
3 Nobody now supposes that political processes begin and end with elections , or that elected governments have a monopoly of political power .
4 Every police force emphasises that all officers carry warrent cards and should produce them when asked .
5 NEW lower-off and abseil points are now in place at the reopened upper Craig Pen Trwyn , but the BMC emphasises that continued access depends on the strictest observance of the agreement .
6 Difficulties with the special paint finishes that General Motors wanted for its Buick plant in Lansing , Michigan , led PPG to move into the factory to manage the process itself .
7 These data show that there has been a posterior transformation of the trigeminal territory to a facial/vestibuloacoustic identity , and illustrates that retinoic acid induces changes in Hox-B1 expression that lead to the duplication of the r4/5 patterns in r2/3 without changing the normal r4/5 domains .
8 Dr Ayles accepts that many people tend to ignore suggestions to change diet .
9 This consciousness leads only to social democratic forms of political organization , and accepts that political change has to be achieved through the mechanisms of representative politics .
10 Fourthly , Realism accepts that political acts have moral significance , but only in a sense which relates to the interests of the political agent and which has more to do with prudence than with traditional ethics .
11 Yet he accepts that these countries need small , defensively equipped armies that could make a potential attacker think twice .
12 In this regard the Council accepts that these responsibilities include the provision of :
13 All interviewees mentioned certain information needs that online services did not satisfy .
14 In the industrial type of society there is , according to Spencer , a tendency for central regulation and coercive control to decline and to be replaced by representative institutions and a more diffuse system of regulation ; but this view is then qualified in various ways , and Spencer finally concludes that representative government depends largely upon the existence of a particular type of economy the laissez-faire free-enterprise economy — which creates the conditions in which ‘ multitudinous objects are achieved by spontaneously evolved combinations of citizens governed representatively ’ .
15 Dearlove ( 1973 , p. 15 ) shows both arguments to be largely false , and concludes that such studies consisted of ‘ unsupported hunches based on partial research ’ , leading to a definite exaggeration of both central control and uniformity of service provision .
16 He concludes that these systems show a number of deficiencies in dealing with UDC numbers unless written with UDC in mind .
17 A damning report published this week by Oxfam , a British charity that has worked in Africa for 40 years , concludes that structural adjustment has neither restored growth nor eased poverty in Africa .
18 Concludes that older people receiving community-based care had a higher quality of life than those in hospital , and that there was no evidence of greater stress upon carers .
19 In a final report , which has not yet been made public the Atlanta group concludes that seven babies died of deliberate overdoses and that another 2 I deaths could have been avoided if the hospital had been better equipped to spot trouble .
20 Cyril Northcote Parkinson , prolific author and inventor of Parkinson 's Law — which holds that all work expands to fill the time available for its completion — has died , aged 83 .
21 Atomism , opposed to holism , holds that each sentence has its own meaning , which it can carry about with it from theory to theory .
22 For those weary of collecting paintings or objets d'art , this dispersal of the John Willett Collection of African Ungulates offers that long-awaited opportunity to purchase the complete skeleton of Megaceros Hibernicus ( est. £30,000–40,000 ; $15,500–20,700 ) .
23 He thinks that great opportunities lie ahead , but vested interests , built on the status quo , are trying to keep them out of reach .
24 And as a music teacher , Debbie thinks that inspiring children to play and enjoy music is very important .
25 Would the Prime Minister explain why he thinks that deplorable situation exists ?
26 But these are only reasons of strategy , and a pragmatist believes judges should always be ready to override such reasons when he thinks that changing rules laid down in the past would be in the general interest overall , notwithstanding some limited damage to the authority of political institutions .
27 Where the points score is equal , a decision can still be given if the panel thinks that one contestant used better techniques , used a greater variety of effective techniques , or made more of the running .
28 African leaders have some $10 billion on deposit in Swiss banks , according to one estimate ; Mr Eigen thinks that dud projects built as a vehicle for bribes may account for up to a third of developing-country debt .
29 If , however , your parent thinks that some mistake has been made and can not sort it out , you can easily contact the pension fund headquarters on his or her behalf and ask for details of how the amount has been arrived at .
30 Ken Smith , electronics director of the Scottish Development Agency , thinks that these firms have helped to promote the growth of other electronics firms in the region and the fact that they are foreign-owned is unimportant .
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