Example sentences of "[vb -s] it [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If a child has it for the first ten years hardly anything else matters .
2 I have carried out several privatisations in my time in commercial and industrial departments , and my understanding of the word privatisation is that one takes something currently managed in the public sector and transfers it to the private sector — the last such transfer in which I was engaged involved British Steel .
3 In particular , he suggests that the educational system has a marked effect on the production and reproduction of scientific knowledge , and criticizes it for the ahistorical way in which it teaches scientific problems , theories , experiments and proofs .
4 Ludo notices it for the first time , and asks what he can do for me .
5 A bridge joins it to the old Lusignan palace .
6 The planned and formulaic rationality of the Enlightenment , according to the critique , is increasingly marked by the familiar , the conventional and by ‘ sameness ’ : a sameness which need not exclude difference , but contains it within the rational , functional and acceptable forms of its own choosing .
7 This model confirms the importance of the greenhouse gas forcing of the climate , but it suggests that a doubling of greenhouse gas concentration will produce an increase in surface air temperature of 1.6 + 0.3 °C , which places it in the lower range of the generally accepted predictions of temperature increase ( Gilliland and Schneider , 1984 ) .
8 Hirtle 1975 : 37 for examples with realize , agree and understand ) , its meaning places it in the unique position of becoming the equivalent of a verb of perception when it is used in the operative sense .
9 The exceptional importance of the legislature in the American system is provided for by a constitution that makes Congress the ‘ first ’ branch of government ; endows it with the legislative power ; gives it control over the purse strings ; allows it a considerable role in the making of foreign policy ; and makes senior executive appointments subject to its approval .
10 You are incorporating humus on which the beneficial bacteria thrive and which both drains the soil of surplus moisture , yet holds it in the right degree .
11 Simpson still delays taking the kick , now it comes in , he knocks it into the far post , looking for Paul .
12 Patrick has plenty to say on such subjects , and he says it in the lordly way which does much to furnish the book with its presiding idiom .
13 ‘ Oh , that 's the Eiffel Tower , ’ and he says it in the same tone of voice as if you had shown him a portrait of Grandpa , and he had said : ‘ So that 's your grandfather I 've heard so much about .
14 Seaforth also tops the line 's efficiency league , ahead of European ports of call , and ACL uses it as the first and last calling point to take advantage of the growing links with the Mediterranean , Northern Europe , the Baltic States and Ireland .
15 Frodo uses it in the Old Forest :
16 The second paragraph , with its mention of alphabet , answers the question in the former sense , whereas the fifth paragraph , with its liturgical reference to " the quick and the dead " , answers it in the latter .
17 first finds the key of the record found at the beginning of the selected trail and establishes it as the current record .
18 last finds the key of the record found by the end of the selected trail and establishes it as the current record .
19 For instance , one of the manuscripts containing a copy of only Book 1 , describes it as the first part of the book called " The Mirror of Contemplation by Canon Walter Hilton " ( Lansdowne MS 362 : Prima pars libri qui dicitur Speculum contemplacionis — Walterus hiltoun canonicus while one of the few manuscripts to contain Book 2 alone refers to it as " the secunde part of the reformyng of mannys soule drawyn of maister Watir hiltone hermyte " .
20 But the fundamental incommensurability of idea and event re-emerges in a precariousness in this narrativization of history where each disturbance in the writing punctuates it with the unassimilable , discontinuous and disjunctive temporality of the event .
21 The media item can be used again , but only if the Offline Manager re-initialises it and allocates it a new , unique identifier in VMS , then re-introduces it to the Offline System .
22 The media item can be used again , but only if the Offline Manager re-initialises it and allocates it a new , unique identifier in VMS , then re-introduces it to the offline system .
23 ( Puts it with large shells of the same type , then replaces it with the tiny ones . )
24 It draws magical power from the War Altar and passes it into the Grand Theogonist .
25 Teachers retain control of registration — keeping the important element of one-to-one contact — and perform it in the usual time , but instead of noting absences on paper , they feed the information directly onto a portable electronic register which then passes it to the central computer .
26 The first person puts the banana on their feet and passes it to the next .
27 The landlord collects the charge on the basis of the number of days a person has been resident and passes it to the local authority .
28 Leaving aside the Prologue and the short Un-accompanied duet for Peter and Ellen which links it to the first act proper , each of the three acts is prefaced by an orchestral " interlude " , and there are three more of these interludes separating the scenes within the acts .
29 The Dear Report on Handsworth captures this image and links it to the social condition of young blacks :
30 Commodore 's CDTV also benefits from an association with CD-A but approaches it from the other direction .
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