Example sentences of "[vb -s] it [adj] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 This step ladder is Kite marked , and has a Class 2 duty rating , which makes it suitable for all household needs ; it is also widely used by professional tradesmen .
2 At the meeting of the Lothian Management Group on Thursday , 4 November 1992 , a number of important matters were raised which makes it necessary for all the funding partners to meet .
3 Here I come , the great man himself , the master of the house , the wage-earner , the one who makes it possible for all the rest of you to live so well !
4 Viscount Simonds stated at p408 that : The language of section 38 [ of the FA 1938 ( now TA 1988 , s672 ) ] and particularly of Sub-section ( 7 ) , and of section 41 [ now TA 1988 , s681(1) ( a ) ] , makes it clear beyond all doubt that any settlement , wherever made and whatever foreign element might be imported by the residence of settlor or trustees or the forum of administration , is caught by its provisions if the income arises in the United Kingdom .
5 This section gives effect to the recommendations of the Clayson Committee as to who should have the right to object , confers the right on organisations representing owners and occupiers in the neighbourhood , also makes it obligatory on all objectors to lodge objections with the clerk to the licensing board and to intimate them to the applicant .
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