Example sentences of "[vb -s] to [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That 's all that matters to me at the moment . ’
2 Similarly , in shaping the format and means of communicating plans and performance down to managers , ‘ having run the retail operation at TSB I appreciate the needs of the front-end operation and the importance of giving people the information that really matters to them with the right commentary .
3 If the Americans accepted that the Israel-Palestine problem was insoluble , at least for now , they could concentrate on what really matters to them in the Middle East .
4 ‘ This is my favourite place , ’ Jeremy shouts to her above the music , ‘ fantastic girls here , really alive and witty .
5 It looks to me on the plan ,
6 At the exalted level of Olympic competition that might be true , although I find it hard to attribute the concept of ‘ needing ’ to Carl Lewis , who , and no doubt I am being unfair , always looks to me like the lead actor in a Disney film entitled The Fastest Kid on Earth .
7 This seemed like a Falangist revival , for it was the first session that had been held since 1945 and Franco asserted that it was " necessary that the National Council should recover the role which corresponds to it in the political tasks , because it is hierarchically the highest body in the Movement , whose duty it is to ensure the purity of the organization and the continuity of the doctrine " .18 But many of those present , including the Vice-Secretary of FET , Diego Salas Pombo , detected behind the smokescreen of verbiage a lack of genuine commitment to Arrese 's plan for a Falange-dominated future .
8 ‘ What happens to them in the wood ? ’
9 Everything nice happens to me in the autumn .
10 So what happens to me in the great cultural revolution ?
11 So nothing that happens to you in the course of your life can possibly change your genes , because they 've already been copied .
12 If one accepts such a theory , then it gives a reason to all that happens to us during the course of our lives .
13 She lied to her father on the day of her escape when Lancelot says to her of the escape — Act 2 , Scene 5 , line 39–41 :
14 It deals with pains like appendicitis , coley cystitis , which is inflammation of the gall bladder — about nine different diseases — and it merely says to you at the end of the operation based on the last five or six hundred patients I 've seen , the probability of this patient having appendicitis is ninety per cent , the probability of something else being ten per cent .
15 In my experience the smart rejoinder to a put down usually occurs to me on the bus on the way home , but at least some of my guests were quick thinking enough to exact their revenge …
16 Take a blank sheet of paper and write down everything that occurs to you about the word(s) you have chosen , giving yourself about ten minutes .
17 Where an innocent purchaser is able to rely upon an estoppel , property in the goods passes to him in the normal way , i.e. as if his seller himself has good title to give .
18 A field which wishes to attempt to ensure that some offers are made in combination with one or more other fields sees to it at the beginning of the cycle that ‘ reserved offers ’ are set aside .
19 The rare gases take very little part in life 's processes ; and we need not discuss water vapour at too great length , even though many desert animals and plants , and some epiphytes ( plants that grow on the surface of other plants ) derive much or most of their water from water that floats to them on the air .
20 It gets to them in the finish and there 's about eight of them
21 I want him sent home and put to bed feeling good so that when he gets to me in the mornings , he 's feeling good ’ .
22 Kylie gets to it in the Point
23 When I 'm in the kitchen she calls to me from the sitting room , where she is sewing .
24 an inscription on the Monument which was not finally removed until 1831 imputed the blame for the Great Fire of London ( 1666 ) to treacherous Roman Catholics , and Pope indignantly alludes to it in the third of his Moral Essays ( ll. 339–40 ) : ‘ Where London 's column , pointing at the skies , / Like a tall bully , lifts its head and lies . ’
25 That sounds to me like the sort of liberal view which many of John 's contemporaries would have expressed at that age , under the influence of reformers like A. S. Neill — a comparison that occurred to me before I discovered that he had been meant to attend Neill 's school .
26 Now it sounds to me like the final stages of a marriage : two separated parties , screwed to their own particular pieces of floor , uttering routine chatter while the rain begins to fall .
27 He knows that he is only looking at ink on paper , yet his nervous system responds to it in the same kind of way as it might respond to a real woman .
28 She kneels to him along the leaning
29 There are comparable cases in other areas of culture studies ( e.g. Williams 1961 ) , where what appears to us as the image of one section of society is actually fabricated by a quite different class .
30 ( Feb 20-Mar 20 ) You should read the forecast for Sagittarius , so much of it applies to you at the moment .
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