Example sentences of "[vb -s] the [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 All in all , being an under sixteen-year-old mother has little official recognised status at all , even though this involves the same care and costs as for an older mother .
2 A child who actively seeks information is likely to make far better use of it than one who passively receives the same information as a chore and is constantly reminded how little s/he knows .
3 If he translates word-for-word , he will achieve greater fidelity in one respect ( , for instance , evokes the same picture as put the cat among the pigeons ) , but to the detriment of fidelity in another respect ( is a live metaphor , while is not ) ; if , however , he puts a greater value on the latter type of fidelity , then he must sacrifice the former .
4 He thinks the same way as I do about our work .
5 Figure 6.6 displays the same project as Figure 6.4 .
6 Figure 6.6 displays the same project as Figure 6.4 .
7 Attempting to copy a decorative technique can confirm or disprove that it produces the same appearance and microstructure observed on the original item .
8 An analysis of the contractual relationship produces the same result and the same consequences .
9 ( This can be translated as ‘ He would be unable to be killed ’ : the final — ti represents the same morpheme as — dü ) .
10 Its real speed changes during the journey sometimes it is more than fifty miles per hour , sometimes less but in two hours it goes the same distance as it would if its speed was fifty miles per hour all the time .
11 What had influenced Hollywood , thought Moley , was the ample evidence that ‘ the generality of the public takes its movies seriously and is adversely responsive to any effort which offers the least suspicion that they are being used for some purpose other than entertainment ’ and that in particular ‘ nothing hurts a picture 's chance of success more than the whisper that it contains propaganda ’ .
12 Paul Davies is a guru of mathematical physics and his book covers the same territory as that of Hawking ( whom he cites often ) and Gribbin and is almost as impenetrable ; however , he makes every effort to take the layman along with him , so that by judicious and generous skipping you do gain something of value .
13 Thompson makes no reference to Lucy Lippard 's Six Years : The dematerialisation of the Art object from 1966 to 1972 , an invaluable , if monomaniacal archival resource which covers the same area and period .
14 moved and seconded must be accepted by the Chairman , unless it is frivolous or illegal , or covers the same ground as a motion on which a decision has already been taken in the same meeting .
15 The rule of law is generally thought to have a broader ‘ political ’ meaning which covers the same ground as , if it is not quite synonymous with , the concept of limited government .
16 Section 7(3) regulates the same warranties as those covered by s 7(2) .
17 Although not technically a fountain , it utilizes the same components as the conventional fountain .
18 The initial word ‘ everyone ’ in Article 25 ( and in most of the other Articles ) — however illogically linked with ‘ his family ’ — contains the same fallacy as ‘ all men ’ in the Declaration of 1776 : ‘ rights ’ are not an attribute of individuals but a description of societies .
19 This will normally be due to a later version of a module being created which contains the same problem as one previously reported , or the realisation that a module which is a variation of another contains the same problem as its variant .
20 This will normally be due to a later version of a module being created which contains the same problem as one previously reported , or the realisation that a module which is a variation of another contains the same problem as its variant .
21 This will normally be due to a later version of a module being created which contains the same problem as one previously reported , or the realisation that a module which is a variation of another contains the same problem as its variant .
22 This will normally be due to a later version of a module being created which contains the same problem as one previously reported , or the realisation that a module which is a variation of another contains the same problem as its variant .
23 In some languages the grammatical encoding of topic is so prominent , that it is not clear that the notion of subject has the same purchase as it does in the analysis , for example , of Indo-European languages ( Li & Thompson , 1976 ) .
24 ( Luke : Once again Luke has the same story but with significant differences :
25 This equation has the same structure as that postulated for player A's strategy : the optimal is linear in z .
26 It has the same structure as zinc blende but with each zinc and sulphur ion replaced by a carbon atom .
27 Nordic Data A/S has the same management as Norsk Data and owns Comma Data Service group , Norsk Data Ltd and ND Service Team .
28 ‘ Alexander , he has the same name as the late king .
29 When random access media items are being used , the media items must contain a directory which has the same name as the LIFESPAN process directory .
30 The official receiver whilst acting as receiver of the estate has the same powers as a receiver appointed by the High Court and is entitled to dispose of any perishable goods or any other goods the value of which is likely to be diminished if they are not disposed of ( s 287(2) ) .
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