Example sentences of "[vb -s] both [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Part III of the 1986 Act regulates both types of receiverships , although the provisions applicable to them are not identical .
2 Generally synspilus , maculicauda , hartwegi , and bifasciatum prefer to spawn on a horizontal surface , while guttulatum and fenestratum prefer a vertical surface , intermedium often uses both types of surface , while lentignosum and nicaraguense prefer spawning in a cave .
3 The connecting network thus handles both levels of data transfer through the initial step of passing management-type requests which can pick out the necessary engineering data for the problem solution .
4 State welfare , it is claimed , undermines both kinds of obligation .
5 Since being autonomous includes both freedom of choice and the capacity to reason about those choices , the impairment of either is a bar to autonomy .
6 The expert will want to make sure he understands both points of view , and in doing so , he may decide that he should try to persuade one or both of the parties about the other 's position .
7 The task now is to reconstruct a new kind of urban sociology which combines both kinds of insight .
8 And although I do not agree with them that either suicide or anorexia are attempts to ‘ get attention ’ , but rather attempts to get identity and wholeness , the following passages may serve to illustrate the paradoxical type of thinking which dominates both states of mind .
9 The move towards the Single European Market only highlights this trend but it also presents both problems of conflict and opportunities for complementarity between the developing environmental policies of the EC and the envisaged growth in trade and erosion of trade barriers that the creation of the SEM involves .
10 On his death , Jean becomes both earl of Oxford and count of Dammartin .
11 The appeal proposal fails both criteria of policy HP6 .
12 Where it has been assessed , the variable which most consistently predicts both degree of elaboration and the consistency over time of such memories appears to be the emotionality of the original event ( Conway , 1990 ) .
13 So if a beetle carries both types of gene , about half of its offspring receive a wild-type gene and half receive a pearl eye gene .
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