Example sentences of "[vb -s] out [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Short hair stands out when gelled at the roots .
2 When one drops out and sits by the fire , another member comes along and
3 LA 's L7 are natural performers ; nothing about them is fake , so when Donita rocks out and grapples with her ‘ axe ’ during ‘ Wargasm ’ it does n't look misplaced or ludicrous .
4 Dominique gets out and sits on the surprisingly long bonnet .
5 What olfactory sense is logic endowed with that it sniffs out and runs to ground the hidden nature of things ?
6 At any particular moment the books might not appear to balance ( for example electrical energy input could be stored to be released as heat later , or energy taken up while forcing the deuterium into the palladium may be returned later U the deuterium leaks out and recombines in the atmosphere ) , so the relevant question was whether there was a net excess output of energy over a long period of time .
7 Ice crystallizes out and accumulates in a surface layer which thickens and consolidates ; on calm nights with air temperatures well below freezing point a layer 20 cm deep may form overnight and be firm enough to take the weight of a man by morning .
8 Because — no harm in saying it once again — this is the essence of the private-eye novel : that its hero actively goes out and grabs to himself the facts that he needs .
9 He points out that according to the recollections of Dr Sandison , Deputy Superintendent from 1954 to 1964 , it had been difficult to fill the beds at Powick with patients admitted from the county and that admissions from such places as Birmingham , outside the catchment area , often of severely disabled people , were accepted .
10 In a psychoanalytic study of the Amazons Bernice Schultz Engle points out that according to tradition they ‘ cared nothing for womanly arts , spent ten months of the year farming , pasturing cattle , and especially in training horses .
11 Without naming names , he goes on to outline the situations which had so interested him in the cases of the Melanesians and the Tari Furora , as he points out that to tamper with the pattern of primitive culture at one point is to endanger the whole structure .
12 Whenever this happened he 'd get his paints and brushes out and start on another panel for Uncle Titch , who had the contacts with the fairground people .
13 They argue that major innovations in products , or production techniques , are bunched together every fifty years or so and , when they occur , they have pervasive effects , generating a long boom which eventually peters out and turns into a slump .
14 The middle piece of the chromosome falls out and rotates through 180 degrees and then rejoins .
15 He seeks out and moves into gaps .
16 The manager comes out and looks at us , decides not to rock the boat on such a big order .
17 These molecules are proteins , which are embedded in the cell 's surface membrane and have one portion that sticks out and binds to a similar or complementary molecule on adjacent cells .
18 ( A slot meter may not be practical , for example , with a gas central heating boiler which goes out every time the money runs out and needs to be re-lit when more money is put in the meter .
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