Example sentences of "[vb -s] its [noun] on the " in BNC.

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1 The process of gestation has its parallel on the psychological level .
2 The three-tined sai is a karate weapon that has its origins on the island of Okinawa .
3 In order to deal with the problem of means , the government says , we provide housing benefits and the subsidy , this is the government speaking , the subsidy goes into the demand , it goes into benefit there 'll be no subsidy left if the government has its way on the supply side .
4 Her thesis has its gaze on the exact detail of the exchange of cattle , goats , blankets , gourds and snuff , and it tries to establish by the comparative method that these customs are part of universal human practice .
5 Furthermore , British Rail has its eyes on the Bankside site for bringing up the spoil from the tunnel for Channel traffic which it is , so absurdly , driving under the middle of London at astronomical cost .
6 The tightness and speed of the narrative , too , has its effect on the direct , concrete prose style which , too often in the earlier books , had become prosy and had lost shape in informative interpolations .
7 Each of these has its effect on the difficulty of reading and interpreting the data , but not always in a highly predictable way .
8 when it comes in , pours in those , the house faces west er consequently although it 's very pleasant in the afternoon and evenings when you 're not watching television erm , it has its drawbacks on the other hand the garden is most unfortunately orientated alright ?
9 However , the company has its eye on the estimated 200 000 American children with ‘ normal variant short stature ’ , who produce growth hormone but apparently lack sufficient receptors to put it to work .
10 IXI has its eye on the very same area , but is still working on the details .
11 5 Now think about what actually happens as your group starts its life on the island sometimes things go well ; sometimes not so well .
12 The subroutine call instruction places its address on the SJNS ( pushing down all earlier entries ) and jumps to the specified store address .
13 Representing a reaction against the wish-dreams of the initial stage , realism is liable to assume a critical and somewhat cynical aspect … it places its emphasis on the acceptance of facts and on the analysis of their causes and consequences .
14 I know that he would not like to do any injustice to the report , but if he were to read the second paragraph , which contains its judgment on the Bill , he might come to a different conclusion .
15 ‘ Yes , the breeze that ignores all the other trees , but plays its tune on the aspen , rustling its leaves , only on the aspen ! ’
16 Ah , the daiquiri bird which incubates its eggs on the wing ; ah , the fredonna tree whose roots grow at the tips of its branches , and whose fibres assist the hunchback to impregnate by telepathy the haughty wife of the hacienda owner ; ah , the opera house now overgrown by jungle .
17 Burdened by hindsight , by a chronic fear of becoming bloated and self-indulgent , this indie generation tries to freeze-flame development at the point just before ‘ it all went wrong ’ , and so turns its back on the few things that went right .
18 Mr Zacharopoulos , Documenta IX turns its back on the 1980s .
19 Ecotopia turns its back on the capitalist treadmill of material progress-not by a return to pre-industrial forms and back to nature " but by developing a " high-tech " society that is designed to be compatible with the biosphere .
20 Skylarks : The skylark builds its nest on the ground in fields and on moors , marshes and downs .
21 Britain 's Department of the Environment claims that the risk to humans is far smaller , ‘ human beings are much less sensitive to dioxins than many other species , ’ says its report on the subject .
22 Halfway through , the film loses its grip on the day-to-day reality in Northern Ireland .
23 It often loses its grip on the ball of bedding along the way and has to regather the bundle .
24 The blue vein in Davide 's temple beside the scar where the bullet had entered throbbed and swelled to give warning when one of his bone crunchers was on its way ; lying quietly stretched out in the shuttered bedroom of their apartment , he was able to defend himself , as it readied to pounce , testing its grip on his nerves as a cat tests its claws on the obliging furniture ; he could slip under the velvet cloth of numb unconsciousness , without plunging his family into squalor and even starvation and illness as he had risked doing-as he had done — on Crosby Street near the Bend in Little Italy .
25 On the other hand , the behaviour of the political parties is itself endogenous and we have to explain the way in which each chooses its position on the political spectrum .
26 In job creation terms its return on the £170 million so far invested has been small .
27 This approach concentrates its attention on the behaviour of bureaucrats as maximizers of budgets or staff and seeks to identify ways in which that behaviour can be modified by changing the context of their decision-making .
28 Rugby hangs its hat on the international game but that 's also where the funds come from for the grass-roots development .
29 ( When I speak of the value of the whole , I mean what Moore calls its value on the whole , that is the values of its parts plus its value as a whole . )
30 ‘ I know a life like that makes a good story but it takes its toll on the person .
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