Example sentences of "[vb -s] been [vb pp] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 A curing oven , the size of a car garage , has been built specially for the project .
2 All my work , whether original or adapted , has been written more for personal reasons than to fit any perceived format or genre .
3 IF YOU 'RE tense and upset in Japan , a phone line has been developed specially for you .
4 The Primary Enterprise Pack — This support pack has been developed especially for primary school teachers by the Polytechnic of North London .
5 In the USA a new manager has been appointed specifically for this and for corporate business .
6 Although it has been grown here for more than a century , the low-growing variety A. dioicus Kneiffii is , surprisingly , less well known .
7 The tower was demolished by lightning in 1821 and since the present Abbey clock tower was erected on the site in 1822 the papingo has been placed there for every contest .
8 Adjustment has been made throughout for intra-industry bulk Scotch Whisky sales .
9 For example , if you are looking for something for your in-foal mare , choose a supplement which has been made specifically for this purpose such as Medi Equus stud formula .
10 The ruling United National Party has been repaid handsomely for his attentions .
11 Its use has been advocated even for contacts who are HIV positive but symptom free .
12 The British Standard BS 6652 for child resistance is granted to specific combinations of bottle and cap and has been given only for some makes of closures on BS 1679 bottles , which are the ones we use in this hospital .
13 So far ethics committee approval has been given only for the treatment of individual patients as a debate continues about the risks of genetic-medicine misuse .
14 ‘ The tackle from behind has been stopped here for a long time , but they were doing it all night and getting away with it .
15 The dictionary has been compiled specially for people working in a business environment , and for students and teachers of business and commerce .
16 Although this important principle of credit creation has been illustrated above for a single bank system , the same principle will operate in an economy with many banks provided that there is an efficient clearing system .
17 ‘ The situation has been eased slightly for my parents since a community nurse has been visiting Jennifer , but I must admit I 'd rapidly been coming to the conclusion that something else would be needed very soon .
18 This unique Number 4850158 has been selected especially for you in the latest by invitation-only Hospital Plan Cash Match Prize Draw .
19 Edit the RDBI configuration file and include the name of an ORACLE account which has been created solely for the use of the RDBI transfer program .
20 A completely new , and as yet untitled , work has been created specifically for the spacious Sackler Octagon .
21 Not surprisingly , he has been enlisted promptly for the Fiji squad for Hong Kong which also arrived last night .
22 This report has been provided by KPMG Peat Marwick and has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing selected information on a confidential basis to professional investors .
23 As for the more general question of overseas reprocessing at Dounreay , I emphasise again that spent nuclear fuel has been reprocessed there for more than 30 years — safely and without any adverse effects on the environment .
24 However , no money has been allocated specifically for this purpose .
25 It has been taken apart for restoration and can be seen next year at Hildesheim during the celebration of the thousandth anniversary of the enthronement of St Bernward as bishop .
26 A red flood alert has been issued tonight for one of the region 's rivers .
27 Our second new product has been introduced specifically for the service and administration departments .
28 This gives the authorities the ability to disregard any part of a transaction that serves no commercial purpose , but which has been inserted purely for the purpose of avoiding tax .
29 A NEW blood vessel ‘ drill ’ which can relieve blocked arteries supplying the heart has been used successfully for the first time by surgeons in Britain .
30 Vibrational spectroscopy has been used successfully for quantitative analysis , but considerable care is needed to ensure accurate results .
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