Example sentences of "[vb -s] down the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 They may go down the field below the cave to a gate on the Kingsdale road which , followed to the left , goes over a rise to Deepdale and Dent , and to the right leads down the valley to the more probable destination of Ingleton which has accommodation , shops , refreshments and bus services .
2 Visit the ancient temples and the tombs of the Pharaohs as your cruise ship sails down the Nile to Esna , Luxor , the West Bank and El Amarna before arriving back in Cairo ready for your flight home the following day .
3 ‘ Cheap electricity 's the answer to the first — sod the cost to the environment so long as it keeps down the cost to the consumer .
4 At the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , work by Janet Hemingway on anopheline mosquitoes has shown that malathion specific resistance is inherited as a single gene controlling a carboxylesterase enzyme which breaks down the malathion to its monoacid .
5 The announcement that some routes in the area , which is visited by over 2,000 climbers a year , are to be equipped for ‘ environmental ’ reasons came in a press release that effectively throws down the gauntlet to the sport 's governing body .
6 This Act lays down the matters to be stated , and reports to be set out , in a prospectus issued when an offer or invitation is being made to the public .
7 The government 's circular ( 8/87 ) which lays down the guidelines to be observed stresses the importance of a spirit of confidence between parents , governors and teachers in the approach to this question .
8 Left hand moves down the label to the heading Security Classification .
9 Gerry , at Sony for three years , puts down the success to the close-knit staff which has hardly changed since then , including .
10 A dull thud of hooves resounded through the valley as the horses checked pace and descended from the pasture on to the tree-shadowed bridleway that slants down the hillside to the ford at its base .
11 ( Bantam , £3.99 ) agrees , but narrows down the problem to unstated , unacknowledged and unexpressed anger and a fear of intimacy .
12 Right now the others are chatting with Guy Holmes and Tamzin , discussing their love lives — in Fred and Rob 's cases matters of quite rampaging heterosexual complexity — while Richard talks down the phone to South Africa , saying ‘ success has a price … ’
13 ‘ Though we knew by the place where he had fallen that it must have been at the very summit just as the path runs down the cliff to Kinghorn Manor . ’
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