Example sentences of "[vb -s] become so [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It would seem that your general behaviour and sense of discipline has become so lax and sloppy that you do not even remember serious breaches of conduct .
2 This soon led to criticism of the excessive power of the Chancellor : ‘ The Chancellor 's position has become so strong that his opponents and supporters alike complain about his authoritarian style of leadership [ writing about Adenauer ] …
3 ‘ I think Germany has become so rich that it has completely lost its fighting spirit , ’ said Turkey 's President Turgut Ozal on German television .
4 Senescence in industrialized human societies has become so apparent because of the removal of most extrinsic causes of death and lowered fertility ; in the circumstances in which the life history evolved , these would have predominated , and few individuals would have lived long enough to show evidence of ageing .
5 In contrast to the United States , executive control of the House of Commons via party loyalty has become so thorough that such committees can operate only within a context defined by the executive .
6 The fervour has become so great that some now argue for a tightening of the Obscene Publications Act .
7 We are now faced with a situation , therefore , in which the debate about ‘ the environment ’ has become so wide-ranging that it has impinged upon almost every aspect of contemporary industrial society .
8 To some extent the technology people are to blame for being too optimistic but they realised that if they spelled out the true uncertainty ( even if they knew it ) there would have been no investment at all , In the end the project is abandoned or has become so expensive that it can never be profitable .
9 The law has become so complex that it can not be expected that the solicitor will be proficient in everything , and the trend is towards the large firm with specialised partners .
10 One can find examples of paper that has become so brittle that pages break away from their binding at a touch , and if anyone tries to handle the pages pieces break off .
11 Hooliganism involving Dutch supporters has become so frequent as to suggest that another blanket ban of a nation 's clubs might be necessary .
12 Contrary to popular belief , recent studies reveal that wood ( especially firewood in the shape of logs rather than small twigs and branches ) has become so scarce that in many villages only the rich can afford to buy it .
13 The truth of that observation can not be determined ; what is beyond question , however , is that violence in our town centres has become so common that it is an expected , almost accepted , feature of urban life .
14 The star goes on becoming smaller and smaller , denser and denser , until its gravitational pull has become so enormous that not even light can escape from it .
15 By the 1870s the machine has become so sophisticated that it needs more educated people to run it , to learn new techniques of maintenance and improvement , and to keep up its momentum .
16 The problem has become so widespread that the Department has told health service managers that if there is any doubt about the patient 's eligibility for free care , staff should ask for proof or a refundable deposit .
17 There the ego has become so fragmented and is so er erm sick as it were that the id has overwhelmed it and the reality sense is lost .
18 The state apparatus has become so corrupt and exploitative that the common man sees it as an enemy .
19 The art has become so refined that at state and country fairs , hog-calling contests are held , with the winner being the farmer who summons a pig from the greatest distance .
20 The process has become so refined that we even had a section called ‘ Oenology ’ , though it must be admitted that this eventually had to be re-named to ‘ Study of Wine . ’
21 our society has become so complicated and our representative system of government so remote to many fellow citizens , that there has to be an alternative way of expressing dissent other than the constitutional way of doing it through representative government .
22 Years of trial work resulted in the discovery that organo- mercury seed treatments would control these seed-borne diseases , and from the 1940's their use has become so universal that such devastating diseases have never been witnessed by a generation or two of farmers .
23 By the time I turn into the little lane where I live it has become so intense that I usually slow down .
24 The two-week course has become so popular that there is a six-month waiting list .
25 Indeed , he has subverted the stake-in-the-heart , garlic-and-cross myth and has become so popular that he now has his own New Orleans-based fanclub .
26 Its tasty home-cooking has become so popular that ordinary diners are squeezing the fishermen out .
27 In local authority work today committee work has become so important that a great measure of power is given to committees .
28 But Houston Oilers quarterback Warren Moon explains : ‘ Creating turnovers has become so important that players are being coached to strike with the helmet first in the hope it will jar the ball loose .
29 Since the new constitution was enacted in 1937 , the prohibition on divorce has become so strict that couples who have been granted a nullity decree by Roman catholic canonical tribunals have found that they may still not be recognized as single by the state , and are thus unable to remarry in the Republic .
30 The National Schizophrenia Fellowship has become so concerned that the severely mentally ill are being neglected that they are arguing against hospital closures .
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