Example sentences of "[vb -s] her [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The Duchess of York says her work for the Motor Neurone Disease Association saved her sanity after she was pictured topless on holiday with financial advisor John Bryan .
2 One example of how she uses her position for the good of the game , and for others , occurred in October when , suffering from a painful wrist injury and against her doctor 's advice , she played an exhibition , not for personal gain , but to raise money for multiple sclerosis .
3 A woman shows her support for the South West Africa People 's Organisation ( Swapo ) at an election rally in Windhoek .
4 Also , perhaps , that sometimes at night , she finds her crying for the starving of Africa or unable to sleep with the terror of the possibility of nuclear war or desperately seeking a denial of the reality of the horror of the Holocaust .
5 In a postscript Eliza somewhat enigmatically mentions her pregnancy for the first time :
6 Well Yvonne went into the private to get er a sister 's post and sh but she knew she was gon na do her midwifery , so she knew she was n't gon na stay there but when she went it 's become when she does her midwifery for the sister 's post , ah but she 's got experience has n't she when she 's
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