Example sentences of "[vb -s] have [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It does n't have to be big ; all it has to have is a good shop or two . ’
2 A Deputy Prime Minister from 1969 to 1973 and leading francophone socialist , Cools had been a major force in Belgian politics in the 1960s and 1970s , helping to shape the decentralization of the country 's state structure .
3 In the year preceding School F's invitation to participate , the head led a campaign to improve the physical environment in what appears to have been a concerted effort to convince the local authority of the high priority given by the school to its library .
4 There appears to have been a general feeling among them that there was no real problem on this score .
5 In the first few years of the informal concordat under the RAC , there appears to have been a tacit agreement that in Cambridgeshire the WEA attempted to provide few courses , largely it is thought because of its financial problems .
6 There appears to have been a greater interest in orthogenesis in the earlier part of this century and writers such as Berg considered the subject in some depth .
7 These civil service pension arrangements were in due course copied , with modifications , by other public and private sector employers , though up to World War I it appears to have been a small minority of mainly the more prestigious employers who developed such formal occupational pension provision .
8 They coincided with what appears to have been a sharp last-minute swing to the Tories — a swing of between 2 and 4 per cent in the final week of the campaign .
9 There appears to have been a colonnaded pronaos in front with a wide intercolumniation .
10 Sympathisers of the Mujahideen , who are denounced as ‘ hypocrites ’ by Teheran for their attempt to weld Marxist and Islamic ideology , later rampaged through several Iranian embassies in what appears to have been a co-ordinated raid .
11 There appears to have been a substantial number of ‘ rank and file ’ supporters scattered across the whole of both Galilee and Judaea .
12 Who killed Dale in what appears to have been a motiveless crime ?
13 It forbore from interfering in August when the funeral of a dissident cleric ( killed in what appears to have been a genuine road accident ) turned into an anti-government rally .
14 The increasing processing and chemicalization of our food and drink appears to have been a major factor in the rise of chronic disease in this country in the past three to four decades by causing much chemical stress on the body and its inner metabolic balances .
15 In archaeological literature , goods imported in small quantities have often been studied under the general term of ‘ prestige goods ’ , and , as such , control over these resources appears to have been a major factor in the rise and fall of early social hierarchies ( Friedman and Rowlands 1977 ) .
16 It demonstrates what appears to have been a major weakness of the UK economy , namely that the UK has required over the last twenty years a higher rate of gross investment to produce a given increase in output , than did West Germany , France , Japan , the USA or Canada .
17 In respect of the inquiry into Leicestershire county council , in general there appears to have been a major cover-up by those responsible for the care and welfare of these children .
18 But despite what appears to have been a rotten year for everyone , books were still written , films made , and people could still summon up the energy and enthusiasm for sex .
19 In the case of Baudrillard , this appears to have been a self-fulfilling prophecy , and he is mainly quoted today within the avant-garde arts , where he is indeed very much in vogue ( Frankovits ed. 1984 ) .
20 There appears to have been a certain degree of retrenchment after the initial enthusiasm , with overseas securities standing at around 45 per cent of the total at the end of 1988 .
21 Sharpening the focus on penicillin appears to have been a gradual process .
22 Clearly there appears to have been a significant increase in activity across all age groups , but especially among the older age groups .
23 The cause of the problem with Mirror Group pensioners is all too clear ; There appears to have been a massive fraud , perpetuated under the very eyes of the trustees .
24 Thus , the transfer of initiatives from a national to a regional scale appears to have been a conscious , logical policy decision by the Cambridge Board , using the example of the successful Nottingham University scheme devised by professor Peers , whom Geoffrey Hickson admired .
25 The production of textiles appears to have been a widespread craft which is probably the best represented in the archaeological record .
26 ‘ From information received this seems to have been a stupid prank , ’ said a Britannia spokeswoman .
27 From that time onward the flow of migrants from the West Indies to Britain has declined steadily : recently there seems to have been a net outflow .
28 Despite attempts to recommend local materials , the per capita costs of the scheme were also high and there seems to have been a certain ‘ willing suspension of disbelief ’ about the local capacity to provide replacements for all the goodies originally supplied by UNICEF .
29 For all these reasons multi-employer bargaining came to predominate in non-manufacturing industries and , more exceptionally , elsewhere in the concentrated industries of basic steel and the railways where government intervention seems to have been a decisive factor in shaping the bargaining process ( Livernash , 1963 ) .
30 That seems to have been a good move on their part .
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