Example sentences of "[vb -s] a [noun sg] as to " in BNC.

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1 ( c ) The definition of deception covers a deception as to facts .
2 The definition also covers a deception as to law .
3 The paragraph also contains a clue as to why management budgeting has been perceived , by some , to be a failure in that it talks of an ‘ unsophisticated system ’ .
4 There 's no indication Mr Clinton has a clue as to what the problems are , ’ he said .
5 The appeal , brought with the leave of Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V.-C. , raises a question as to the nature and extent of the restitutionary relief that may be obtained by the S.I.B .
6 The prosecutor presents the facts fairly and cogently to the judge who , after hearing the defence submissions , reaches a conclusion as to sentence .
7 But it also offers a clue as to their ultimate demise .
8 This begs a question as to what is democracy ?
9 A valuation offers an indication as to value .
10 The second entails a projection as to how the pupil will behave in the unit but this is often obliquely expressed and reworked in terms of the first .
11 The definition excludes a deception as to opinion but " fact " is a wide term .
12 The bonding of atoms via their electrons plus the temperature they function at , gives a clue as to how molecules form .
13 The word ‘ rehabilitation ’ gives a clue as to how these aims are being achieved .
14 This logic gives a clue as to how the problems of sectorization and staffing were to be approached by Exeter managers .
15 What is significant for understanding why to is used with the infinitive of reaction is that the notion of " evaluation " implies a judgement as to whether the event was opportune or not , and this judgement involves an implicit reference to the situation as it existed before the infinitive event occurred , i.e. to the factors making its occurrence either opportune or inopportune .
16 Throughout the reigns of his son and great-grandson he is referred to as Ring Edward ‘ who lies at Gloucester , but it remains a mystery as to whether the body which lies in the splendid tomb there is his or not .
17 ( 4 ) if he becomes a patient as defined by Section 94 of the Mental Health Act 1983 or becomes a person as to whom powers have been exercised under Section 98 of that Act ;
18 ( 4 ) if he becomes a patient as defined by Section 94 of the Mental Health Act 1983 or becomes a person as to whom powers have been exercised under Section 98 of that Act ;
19 Even if the court is satisfied that there is a real prospect that one or more of the purposes ( set out above ) can be satisfied , it still retains a discretion as to whether or not to make an administration order .
20 Although the abandonment of overfunding has meant that this problem has ( although maybe only temporarily ) been resolved there still remains an issue as to the relationship between central government and the local authorities .
21 A note in the Dialogue File provides a clue as to why Warner and Wallis were prepared to indulge Muni on this occasion , for it describes the film as being ‘ a red blooded drama of life in the raw , of men of primitive passions made desperate by hunger and deprivation ’ , ‘ a tale of strife and conflict , of greed and self sacrifice , of love and devotion ’ , and ‘ above all , a stirring plea for human justice ’ .
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