Example sentences of "[vb -s] they [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The noise is formidable , for the rocks clatter and bang away down a steel chute that dumps them back on the ground .
2 They are distinct from the longer stories not only in terms of content , but in graphology also : most are italicised , which separates them visually from the other material .
3 And the boyfriend -when the mother kicks them out of the home — the boyfriend says , " Uh-oh , she 's out on the street now , and pregnant . "
4 An Elf war fleet led by Tyrion defeats the Norse in a huge sea battle and drives them away from the coast of Ulthuan .
5 In the hit movie Withnall and I , the two visit Riggindale and it drives them almost to the brink of distraction .
6 The pluralizing nature of texts as varied as Robbe-Grillet 's Le Miroir qui revient and La Maison de Rendez-vous , Claude Simon 's Triptyque and Les Géorgiques , Pinget 's L'Apocryphe and Sarraute 's Enfance places them firmly within the postmodernist camp .
7 The child finds the same letters on the eight cubes and places them correctly in the tray underneath the card .
8 Each ship is built for the coronation of the ruler and on his or her death bears them off to the Isle of the Dead to rest at last with the ancient rulers of Ulthuan .
9 Homework is done by women whose role as unpaid caretakers of a nation 's dependents forces them out of the competition of the job market , and , still needing to earn , into work which is desperately tedious , which has to be carried out in isolation , thus losing for them the only element which makes tedious work bearable — the cameradie of the factory floor .
10 The caira spider attracts insects in a similar way and then grabs them out of the air .
11 It spots already compressed files ( ZIP and ARJ and the like , as well as LZH compressed TIF files and so forth ) and just passes them through to the hard disk unaltered .
12 As an alternative , radio versions are now available at economic prices ; these allow virtually unrestricted movement to the wearer , the signals being picked up by a special receiver which passes them on to the camcorder via a short cable connection .
13 Their views are then taken forward to the Central Association which passes them on to the Bank through forums such as the Joint Consultative Committee .
14 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she says to me , as she bundles them out of the front door , ‘ but what can I do ? ’
15 But no doubt we can return to these matters if the honourable gentleman raises them further in the course of the debate .
16 When it is obvious that the other 11 Governments are prepared to accept the draft before them at Maastricht today and that this Government are not , the Government are confessing to a unique combination of political prejudice and economic weakness which marks them out from the rest of the Community and which marks Britain down in the Community .
17 In every generation , REPRODUCTION takes the genes that are supplied to it by the previous generation , and hands them on to the next generation but with minor random errors — mutations .
18 She skips and twists among them , sniffing their hind-quarters , until at last she finds the two she seeks , her own young , and leads them away to the shade of a bush and there lets them suckle .
19 As soon as the chicks are mobile , she leads them away from the nest and down to the shore .
20 As they mature he leads them out of the harem to an independent existence .
21 Like those of neighbouring Bouzy , they possess qualities somewhere between the solid , full-bodied and strongly perfumed Verzenay and the smooth , exceptionally aromatic Aÿ but their great strength and vinosity edges them closer to the former than the latter .
22 the only thing again that I 'm thinking of what if we gets them out of the caravan and we gets them into the car and we 're getting them in and out here and then we gets them back into the car to take them back over and in to the caravan , what if we rip the bloody things ?
23 Wh whe where we go in Yorkshire that Stu Stuart usually gets them out of the Cameron the the pub one , where we go and stay and or they 're dealing with you know what he 's like with his deal , he knows if it 's there it 's usually good fun so , you know .
24 the only thing again that I 'm thinking of what if we gets them out of the caravan and we gets them into the car and we 're getting them in and out here and then we gets them back into the car to take them back over and in to the caravan , what if we rip the bloody things ?
25 Instead , it plonks them down on the gravel path and lets them knock about a bit .
26 It takes them back into the past and helps them relax at the same time .
27 All sociologists whose work takes them out of the library and brings them into contact with living beings are certain to use the interview in their work .
28 The hatchback also keeps them away from the big Volvos .
29 Their farewell party is a sham and a mockery , a pretence that a great future awaits them instead of the fear that the next great event in their lives may be their death .
30 With a flick of its head , it throws them on to the water .
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