Example sentences of "[vb -s] on the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or when he meditates on The Price of Bras :
2 In the last chapter she meditates on the meaning of suffering .
3 Most of Scott 's discussion focusses on the core of the business class .
4 It focusses on the interaction between the criminal or deviant and those who define him/her as such .
5 In summary , interactionism focusses on the process of interaction in particular contexts .
6 This project focusses on the process of migration and the role of governmental and private agencies in shaping and implementing migration policy ; and on patterns of residence and employment amongst Afro-Caribbean immigrants , with particular reference to Paris and to the health service .
7 who can better that tomorrow I wonder … now our action round up this week focusses on the final of the village cricket knockout competition at Lords … it 's between two Central South teams …
8 This project focusses on the extent to which the transferral of industrial ownership between public and private sector has been justified , ex ante and ex post , by political considerations on the one hand an economic considerations on the other .
9 Here a single actor plays an imprisoned man , and performs in silence , and the scene culminates in an emotional breakdown where the prisoner beats on the door of his cell .
10 Violent heat , so intense that it lingers on the hand after touching the patient 's skin .
11 [ History ] is not rigorous because it always proceeds by faults and corrections , because it is not in any way a universal schema but a unique adventure that unfolds on the basis of prehistoric circumstances which constitute in themselves , and in relation to all the objectives and all the practices , a heavy and badly understood legacy of fundamental deviations .
12 The rituals Tamino and Papageno are required to undergo , which include taking vows of fasting and silence , have exact parallels in the initiation ceremonies which an apprentice Mason undergoes on the way to becoming a Master .
13 To demonstrate the power of the animals , a fully grown man stands on the back of the 6-inch-long shrew , balancing himself on one leg .
14 An epitaph to this era of modern housing stands on the crest of the city — where once there was a slope of slums , there now stands a barrage of flats for thousands .
15 Overlooking the town of Bordighera and the sea , this elegant hotel stands on the hillside among lush gardens .
16 Bosnia-Hercegovina stands on the edge of an abyss .
17 THE LACE HALL stands on the edge of the lace market , once the hub of the industry .
18 The Combe , sometimes called Dent Scar , stands on the edge of the Dent Fault and its massive bowed wall of Silurian stone is dotted with thorns and cut by gullies .
19 Sueno 's Stone , or ‘ King Duncan 's Monument ’ , as Boswell calls it , stands on the edge of the bypass .
20 Dunvegan Castle stands on the edge of the sea , and looks up along the long narrow Loch Dunvegan to the north-west .
21 Using local stone and featuring impressed illuminated granite tablets with an engraving of a Beaufighter attacking a German ship , the memorial stands on the edge of the airfield near the original main gate , overlooking the empty and abandoned airfield control tower .
22 Boris Anrep , for instance , whom the Berkeleys used to encounter when they stayed with Maud Russell at Mottisfont , gave them the model he painted for the mosaics which were intended for the apse of Westminster Cathedral ( it stands on the chest of drawers in their bedroom ) and Hugh Honour and John Fleming gave them the marble hermaphrodite which reclines on the top of a bookcase in the study .
23 The US already stands on the brink of a trade war with the EC over the failure of GATT talks .
24 Willie Carson stands on the brink of his 21st century after reaching 98 on Thawakib , but that 's 69 adrift of Michael Roberts who struck twice at York .
25 IN THE light of the recent debate on defence in the House of Commons , perhaps now is a good time for the people of Darlington to be told where the prospective Labour candidate stands on the issue of nuclear disarmament .
26 Just six minutes away is the beautiful picturesque old village of Altea where a lovely old church stands on the top of a hill .
27 Occasionally two individual pieces are brought together to make a new complex whole as in the bronze cast Doll and Bow which now stands on the top of the Toybox where the toys , including a ball , are again in bronze and the box itself is the broken-off end of a stone carved sarcophagus .
28 I hate it cos when I call Jones she stands on the wall like that , right .
29 From the tarn , I followed my nose down to a cairn that stands on the shoulder above Deepdale Side where the view down Deepdale into Dentdale was so good that I sat and looked at it for a good half-hour until the thought that I needed to be home by late afternoon pushed me on down to the green lane of the old Craven Way .
30 Back room stage so small the performers have to rest their mike stands on the floor in front .
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