Example sentences of "[vb -s] for the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 If he pleads guilty and begs for the mercy of the court , he may get off with a fine and deportation .
2 The vintage style Clean 1 is perfect for almost anything , while Clean 2 is enough to bring out the Mutt Lange in anyone — it 's so sparkly , and begs for the addition of some subtle effects .
3 They were two of five Winchester Club players in the nine-member Alton College squad , which also included five county players , and Cathy MacCormack who plays for the South of England under-18 team .
4 But the talented Keane , who plays for the Republic of Ireland against Spain in Seville tomorrow , will put the negotiations on ice while he weighs up his options .
5 The association has offered the MP free cab rides for the rest of his stay in the resort .
6 Since the death of Sir Henry Wellcome in 1936 , the company has been wholly owned by the Wellcome Trust , a registered charity which distributes all profits it receives for the support of medical and allied research in universities and hospitals throughout the world .
7 If by neutralisation is meant establishing Great Power guarantees for the neutrality of states or regions , then Soviet interest in this process or regime certainly was not confined to Europe in the 1950s and 1960s .
8 If one creditor then sues for the balance of his debt he commits a breach of contract with each of those creditors .
9 These are where the ordinary citizen goes for the help of a lawyer .
10 Same goes for the rest of me .
11 ‘ That goes for the rest of the team .
12 He continues , ‘ Instead of reaching for the brown sauce , my book suggests deglazing the meat juice with water to rediscover the taste of real food ; the same goes for the taste of real vanilla rather than vanilla flavouring ; and the taste and simplicity of pan-fried fish with a dash of lime juice . ’
13 The same goes for the avoidance of earth loops , common mode inductance nodes and all the other pitfalls .
14 As soon as the bell goes for the start of school we go to our tutor group rooms to drop off our bags and coats and then make straight for the hall .
15 After rehearsals , Sir calls us together And each group performs their play , But just as it comes to our turn The bell goes for the end of the day .
16 One longs for the unity of the Chicago International Art Exposition ( CIAE ) , America 's leading art fair during the boom years of the 1980s .
17 This neomucisa contains all normal intestinal cell lineages and persists for the life of the animal .
18 Thus to bring to all our attention how much it matters for the encouragement of arts , commerce and trade which er , for manufacturers which is the full title of the Royal Society of Arts .
19 You can choose between matt , satin or gloss finishes for the degree of shine you want , and can then merely wipe down with a damp cloth to keep clean .
20 The origin legend of the Merovingians as recorded by Fredegar is important not only for its suggestion that the family claimed to be descended from a supernatural ancestor , but also for the implications it has for the rise of the dynasty .
21 The project will make use of this to investigate what informal agreements between employers and employees will be self-enforcing and what implications the use of such agreements has for the nature of contractual relations in employment , for the internal labour organization of firms , for the way labour markets operate , and for the nature and level of unemployment .
22 To ask the Prime Minister what plans he has for the future of the May day bank holiday .
23 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what proposals he has for the alleviation of homelessness in Scotland .
24 — The altar with its twelve pillars ( verse 4 ) stands for the bringing of the whole people of God into his presence ( for there were twelve tribes of Israel ) .
25 Remember that velocity stands for the ratio of total spending over a period of time to the stock of money available .
26 He gives the obvious explanation that Shakespeare has read Ovid on Salmacis , and spices it with the assurance that Adonis stands for the Earl of Southampton , whom he keeps calling Wriothesley .
27 The revolutionary democracy of Russia stands for the indivisibility of the State .
28 As ‘ sacrament ’ it stands for the sacrifice of the cross through which we were brought near to God .
29 Thus , for example , the Labour Party in Britain supposedly stands for the redistribution of wealth , the maintenance of a national health and social security system , considerable government intervention in the economy and so on .
30 She stands for the civilization of the South , of the Midi , the home of the troubadours , against the sterner , rougher , cruder world of the North , represented , in this image , by her husband , the King of the North Wind , whose authority she is subtly undermining and against whom she will soon break out in open rebellion .
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