Example sentences of "[vb -s] [that] at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But managing director of Software AG in the UK , Jeff Graham , says that at some stage during the coming year , the company will implement its software for ‘ a mainframe-type platform ’ , which , he claims , will lead to a doubling of group revenues .
2 He says that at this time of year the undergrowth is tinder dry .
3 A record dated 1665 shows that at that time the archery contests were held over 4 days .
4 The government hopes that at some point the Liberation Front can be persuaded to accept some form of autonomy short of independence , but that seems unlikely in the foreseeable future .
5 It follows that at some stage in the design process it should be useful to consider how the various functions are most effectively allocated — to man or to machine .
6 It follows that at any disequilibrium point , such as point C , economic forces will be pushing the market towards the general equilibrium position .
7 A Luciferian fire was consuming you — which means that at that moment you were bearing light .
8 It means that at some point in a viewing activity the learner can be asked to focus on the visual channel only .
9 This means that at any frequency , sound waves in water are nearly five times as long as they would be in air , and so provide poorer resolution .
10 This means that at any frontier anywhere in the world a border official who has at his disposal a piece of equipment which is already widely and internationally available will be able instantaneously to record the personal details from a passport without the holder realising it , and the record will be automatically read into and stored by a computer .
11 Professor Baldassare Conticello , the Soprintendente , estimates that at this rate it will take two generations before the whole of Pompeii is once more in a stable condition .
12 Jaynes argues that at this stage in human history conscious examination of self was absent .
13 The AMES leadership stresses that at this moment :
14 Mates estimated that the total uncovered foreign exchange liabilities of the banks at the end of 1985 amounted to $ 12.5 billion , and this suggests that at that time their total gross liabilities were substantially larger than $ 14 billion .
15 While these comparisons consider visual features , and the human literature suggests that at this stage visual information is not involved ( Evett and Humphreys , 1981 ) , Hull 's considerations have led him to adopt a neighbourhood approach which is also suggested by the cognitive science literature ( Hull , 1986 ) .
16 This grant was unprecedented in extent ; it represented a significant political victory for Edward , and suggests that at this stage there was a considerable degree of support for the war amongst the knights .
17 He suggests that at this stage no object-notion has been formed , and imitation is merely a device for prolonging an interesting event ( 1962 : 85 ) .
18 If the bird 's head disappears behind some small obstruction , the cat can be seen to rush forward and pounce , as though it knows that at that moment the bird can not see its rapid advance .
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