Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pn reflx] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) Where the creditor leaves it to the debtor to obtain the signature of a third party surety on documents of guarantee or on documents charging the surety 's principal or important asset , it exposes itself to the possibility of being restrained under applicable equitable doctrines .
2 As the superintendent cut her way through the herd of lunchtime drinkers , Dexter followed in her wake , like a driver who glues himself to the back of an ambulance careering through busy streets on an emergency call .
3 The English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement , unless the Publisher voluntarily submits itself to the jurisdiction of some other tribunal .
4 The English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement , unless the Publisher voluntarily submits itself to the jurisdiction of some other tribunal .
5 The English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement , unless the Publisher voluntarily submits itself to the jurisdiction of some other tribunal .
6 Both show life in a mining town with some degree of realism and Reed 's picture , about a community in which the miners are browbeaten into working a coal seam which the proprietor knows to be dangerous , links itself to the documentarist sensibility with an opening voiceover referring to those ‘ simple working people who take heroism for granted as part of their daily lives ’ , and a concluding epilogue that calls for the world to be ‘ purged of its old greeds . ’
7 In his statement released on the eve of the resumption of the Geneva Conference on Disarmament [ see p. 37979 ] , Bush said that " we are formally forswearing the use of chemical weapons for any reason , including retaliation " and added that " the USA unconditionally commits itself to the destruction of all our stocks of chemical weapons within 10 years of [ the convention 's ] entry into force " .
8 In examining my own background it seems logical to refer to the findings of Selvini Palazzoli and Minuchin on the families of anorexics , but whereas Minuchin especially confines himself to the family ambience at the time of the onset of the disease , I should like to say a little more about the genesis of that family ambience .
9 Ackroyd 's truest prose occurs when he applies himself to the imitation of ancient and recent writers — a repertoire of others .
10 If in doubt about what to do next , keep yourself busy by going around and changing all the name plates : in a move scarcely calculated to do much to restore battered confidence in the company , IBM Corp 's shrunken Cadam Inc , the Burbank , California company that now confines itself to the microcomputer versions of the computer-aided design software , has changed its name to Altium , effective immediately : it says the Altium name is part of its plan to secure the unit 's position in the desktop market and ‘ a part of the larger renewal ’ of IBM .
11 Particular interest attaches itself to the distribution of the elderly population , because of its implications for the provision of retirement accommodation and social services .
12 It presents itself to the citizen in many different guises : the payment of VAT on a chocolate bar , a rule against parking on a yellow line , a maternity allowance .
13 v. Wilts U.D. , but he addresses himself to the question and uses his intelligence .
14 There is a delightful passage where he addresses himself to the role of dreams and faces out the difficulty inherent in medieval lore which others like Chaucer resolve through ambiguity : namely , that in a situation where some dreams were held to reveal truth and others to be the products of a disordered digestive system , it is difficult to distinguish true from false .
15 It is in the myth of Odysseus that they most poignantly figure out the tragic paralysis of the dialectic , and , by extension , the quandary of cultural critique : to steer past the temptations of the Sirens whose fatal song can not be resisted , Odysseus stuffs his men 's ears with wax so that they will not be distracted from their rowing , and binds himself to the mast with orders that he must not be released .
16 Apart from the fact that it avoids the above dilemmas , by claiming only the narrowest scope for semantics , such a theory recommends itself to the pragmaticist for the following reasons .
17 It is a dramatic change , and not one that recommends itself to the city 's residents .
18 Such viewpoints I have since found elaborated in Brereton ( 1944 ) who records , almost as an educational ‘ law ’ , that : ‘ the standard of an examination adjusts itself to the standard of those taking it ’ ( p. 43 ) .
19 Chapter seven , the hinge by which The Form opens to this level of significance , directly addresses itself to the essence of the contemplative life — certainty of being , through which all experience is transfigured to joy .
20 On the other hand , a court of equity addresses itself to the amount of costs that the mortgagee should be allowed as a condition of redemption .
21 As mentioned earlier , the bidder binds itself to the scheme by agreeing to appear by counsel at the hearing of the petition and giving the appropriate undertaking .
22 This appears to be reflected in the character of the Anglo-Norman fabliaux , which — small though their number is and therefore a rather unreliable basis for generalizations — tend to concentrate upon the adventures of knightly characters , and to develop the characters they contain in terms which , however facile , represent the aristocratic or courtly ethos : characters are frequently identified as " " bel " " , " fine " , for instance , and given " noble " motives for their actions , such as the lady of Un Chevalier , sa dame et un clerc , who , superficially at least , gives herself to the clerk as an act of pity , in order to avoid his dying of his " " maladie " " of love .
23 They try ‘ to actualise the esteemed qualities associated with the dominant group ( e.g. rationality ; universalism ; affective neutrality ; coolness ; courage ) ’ , and each ‘ esteems herself to the degree that she succeeds ’ ( Laws 1975 : 54 ) .
24 A gay text is one which lends itself to the hypothesis of a gay reading regardless of where the author 's genitals were wont to keep house .
25 The physicality of the artefact lends itself to the work of praxis — that is , cultural construction through action rather than just conceptualization .
26 The idea that the past harbours a golden age of tranquility also readily lends itself to the view that history might furnish us with effective methods of commonsense crime control .
27 The package with its design attributes lends itself to the production of manuals and directories
28 If your children have left home and you have more space than you need , you could consider taking in lodgers , either as paying guests or , if your property lends itself to the creation of a separate flatlet , in a tenancy capacity .
29 This is a good activity for small group project work as it lends itself to the pooling of information and sharing different elements of the task .
30 The intense visual concentration and the technical discipline underlying these paintings transmits itself to the spectator in a feeling of tension , almost of unrest .
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