Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like Pynchon , he has admitted an influence from Kerouac and the Beats , and , in his 1973 article ‘ The New Tradition ’ , Sukenick places himself within a late phase of the modernists ' ‘ Revolution of the Word ’ where verbal and structural experimentation were aimed at coping with the enigmatic nature of the world ( Federman 1975 : 42 ) .
2 In terms of laws governing dress , the nude bather on a public beach , the ‘ streaker ’ at a sporting event and the ‘ flasher ’ who exposes himself to an unsuspecting individual are subject to official punishments of varying severity .
3 As in woman-centred feminism generally , woman-centred psychology often defends itself as an effective , rather than a theoretically rigorous , means of resistance , and makes theory a utilitarian adjunct to this aim .
4 What has bitten ‘ us ’ , the transpersonal Gadarene motif of The Possessed , manifests itself through the dotty plan for a dinner just as eloquently as through the murder in the park .
5 The explanation seems to be that consecutive measurements have been found to be very consistent , whatever variation exists manifests itself over a longer period corresponding to several averaged measurements .
6 Pearson ( 1983 ) further showed that the identification of these groups as ‘ the dangerous classes ’ manifests itself as a continuous historical phenomenon .
7 As a result of the infection , the small blood-vessels supplying the skin become blocked and the resulting diminution of the blood-supply leads to local death of tissue , which manifests itself as the primary chancre .
8 Jill Duffy 's psychological involvement in housework , for example , manifests itself in a 105-hour week .
9 One does come across entrepreneurial academics , but there is still something slightly suspect in the academic world about making , as distinct from earning , money which manifests itself in the grey area of consultancy .
10 Most Hindus whom I have met would say that they do not , for they believe that at the heart of life is Oneness — Brahman — which manifests itself in an infinite number of forms .
11 He offers himself as a strong figure and also a young one .
12 He prides himself on a forthright nature and says he has asked more questions than any other MP in the House .
13 I seem to remember several cases in which the court considered to what extent the solicitor involves himself in the financial arrangements for a conveyancing transaction .
14 It must be admitted that a great deal of what Judaeo-Christianity has to say about the ‘ goodness ’ of God is based upon claims about the way in which He involves himself in the historical process .
15 In these circumstances , where a director alleges an agreement with a committee of the Board for payment of remuneration , the court will not , in law or equity , award a sum to him for services to the company , as in relying on such an alleged agreement the director involves himself in an irreconcilable conflict between his duties as a director and his personal interests .
16 The protagonist Oliveira refuses to submit to the accepted norms and , instead , surrenders himself to the irrational , seeking to live on a more authentic and vital dimension which appears absurd by conventional standards .
17 Cinema manager grooms himself before the main feature
18 Nichetti once again casts himself as the noble little guy in a bewildering universe — more Buster Keaton than Woody Allen — this time dubbing sound effects on to animated features which gradually stray from their screens and absorb his entire body .
19 In 98.6 , Sukenick briefly casts himself as an improvising comic on the explicit model of Lenny Bruce and Milton Berle .
20 Romantic love is the nearest most people reach to the peak experience , for the lover loses himself in the beloved and while he is in the state of love , he forgets all his problems and is happy for perhaps the first time in his life .
21 No real thought seems to have been bestowed on the important principle involved either by Day J. , who … appears to found his decision simply on the above dictum of Pollock C.B. , which happens to mention corruption , as one of the inapposite illustrations of an unsound proposition , or by Lawrance J. , who contents himself with a bare expression of concurrence .
22 It was squarely concluded that Hitler , through the over-estimation of his own strength and rejection of all overtures for peace from neutral states , ‘ bears himself in the last resort the blame for the retrograde development which has now set in ’ .
23 Even Hermsprong ( 1796 ) , one of the first political novels , whose eponymous hero models himself on the noble savage , confines itself to great houses or to those that emulate them , while the savage himself , in true romance tradition , turns out to be an aristocrat , and the rightful heir to his wicked uncle 's estate .
24 He blames himself for the 35-yard rocket from Paul Gascoigne that ripped through his grasp after just five minutes .
25 Although he describes himself as a simple Buddhist monk , he has become an international figure , touring the world to give talks and also meeting many world leaders , dignitaries and religious figures .
26 He describes himself as a practising Christian whose main hobby is cricket .
27 In his autobiography Reflections in a Silver Spoon Mr Mellon describes himself as an Incurable Collector .
28 While John the Divine describes himself to the seven churches in Asia as your partner in patiently enduring the suffering that comes to those who belong to his Kingdom ’ ( Rev. 1:9 ) .
29 Sometimes a single boulder bounds and clatters down the scree pile , echoing loudly , sometimes a larger mass breaks away , sometimes the scree itself shifts and readjusts itself in a prolonged rattling clatter — a noise rather like the sea swashing back over pebbles .
30 A kind of Hispanicism Triumphant proclaims itself in the high-key paintings Rafael Ferrer makes of the landscapes and locals of his native Puerto Rico .
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