Example sentences of "[vb -s] [to-vb] at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Tony Brough ( the Principal ) and I sat at High Table , but it was very democratic because the students also took it in turns to sit at High Table — and to be invited to the Principal 's office for pre-dinner drinks !
2 ‘ It may be that Parliament has to look at this issue of excluding people from property when they 've got property rights , ’ he said .
3 Holding your breath builds up tension and shallow breathing denies your body the oxygen it needs to function at maximum efficiency .
4 Someone wants to look at , someone wants to look at that graph , and get some idea of the speed from it , the velocity .
5 It 's what everyone has to do at some time — it 's called taking responsibility for yourself .
6 I assume Mr Grigson , as he has n't raised his board has said all he wants to say at this stage on the points that have been made .
7 Any comments please any thoughts on anything anybody wants to say at this point ?
8 If the subject prefers to look at one stimulus rather than another we can assume that he has detected a difference between them .
9 A proxy which the holder intends to use at any meeting of creditors must be lodged with the official receiver not later than the time mentioned for that purpose in the notice convening the meeting or the adjourned meeting .
10 Each party must file written statements of the substance of the oral evidence he intends to call at any hearing or directions appointment and copies of any documents on which he intends to rely , including expert reports ( FPCR , r17(1) ; FPR , r4.17(1) ) .
11 Its orbit takes it around the world once every 24 hours , so it appears to stay at one point in the sky .
12 Did he hope by that means to get at some truth he thought she was concealing ?
13 Here the position that the plaintiff seeks to establish at common law is broadly consistent with the legislative policy evidenced by the Act of 1976 .
14 The anxieties of some UK companies over the reluctance of UK banks to participate at this stage were assuaged with the early November announcement of a meduium-term facility worth about £700 million ( $190 million ) to be extended to Kuwait by the UK government .
15 The motor eventually reaches a maximum operating speed , which , as in the open-loop case , is dictated by the motor and load torque/speed characteristics , and continues to run at this speed until the target position is approached .
16 Some tracks are littered with hundreds of carcasses signifying an immense extension of the famine if the remaining livestock continues to die at this rate .
17 A theory of standardization must be able to account for such songs ; and Adorno 's approach surely begins to crack at this point .
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