Example sentences of "[vb -s] [to-vb] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The county 's new minerals plan will come under scrutiny and she wants to see more public involvement in the CPRW 's work .
2 They cover a lot of ground so the designated flight area has to include very generous margins of up to an extra 50% over the line lengths and , most important , this area has to be clear of all spectators and especially other kites .
3 This has to meet fairly stringent demands , and the main criteria are :
4 The new surge of complaints could strengthen the argument that Britain needs to frame more acceptable noise legislation .
5 This implies of course that the infinitive event 's realization by the subject has to constitute sufficiently significant information about the referent which the latter refers to for the sentence to be worth uttering .
6 In 1984 in an interview with the Giornale dell'Arte Bonito Oliva observed that ‘ A critic has to have extremely rapid reactions ; his role is to grasp ideas and project them into the future ’ .
7 Local registry offices will also supply copies of certificates if the event was recorded in their district , but they do not provide facilities for consulting indexes and so the genealogist has to have fairly precise information before a successful search for a certificate can be made .
8 Meal-times become progressively more tense and the child starts to show more difficult behaviour .
9 It also happens to have very valuable timber , and the Chilean government is anxious to profit from the dead trees that are interspersed with living ones in the few remaining areas of forest where alerce still occurs .
10 There are no government grants to cover either living expenses or college fees .
11 He prefers to parry rather then duck and sway .
12 The ratio of service to manufacturing jobs in most rural areas is of the order of 2 : 1 , but in the remoter rural areas this rises to 4 : 1 ( Gilg 1976 ) ; service employment however also tends to include more part-time work and self-employed workers .
13 Allied Dunbar gives 2 500 000 pounds every year to charity , but prefers to support less fashionable causes .
14 There are arguments in favour of this : death is final , murder is the gravest crime , and there is no significant moral difference between someone who chooses to cause really serious injury and someone who sets out to kill .
15 The whole process of storing and moving goods tends to generate highly inflammable rubbish ( packaging etc. ) and it is of prime importance that the whole of the warehousing area is kept clean and clear of inflammable refuse .
16 With her exotic background , she tends to cook very spicy food which , unfortunately , is not to her mother-in-law 's taste !
17 It uses ascii character coding , and tends to produce very long files .
18 A block of classification numbers usually appears to provide fairly precise demarcation lines ( though even here the inconsistencies of classification schemes may lead to some difficulties — undesirable elements turning up in an otherwise homogenous subject block ) .
19 He 's a composer who seems to attract rather precious commentary — talk of the fundamental expression of the human soul , of primitive silence , of other-worldly styles .
20 Unlike English , which tends to rely heavily on pronominal reference in tracing participants , Brazilian Portuguese generally seems to favour more lexical repetition .
21 He seems to sweep aside rational analysis only to let it come back in at the ideological level , and underplays the processes of getting the ideology established in the face of organizational resistance .
22 This gives better print quality and seems to give more reliable paper control .
23 They also benefit from the higher degree of social solidarity which seems to accompany more pluralistic systems .
24 It appears to have rather generalized habits , feeding on everything from worms to clams , which it can crush with its powerful appendages , using the bases of its legs like nutcrackers .
25 One old lady seems to eat only roast beef .
26 At present Wolverhampton appears to employ more non-teaching staff than teachers under its education budget .
27 The latter appears to make more logical sense , but concentrates funds excessively into London .
28 In practice , the allocation of money appears to show quite considerable variations between libraries of different types and sizes , and also within libraries of the same type and size .
29 Ashman seems to make more whimsical use of the device of exit up-stage , re-entry stage right ( whether the idea is Ashman 's or Noelte 's , its use in duets where one knows the exiting character has a line to sing almost at once , soon becomes irritating ) .
30 This issue of Update aims to bring together various aspects of the SEM related to vocation education and training and to provide a focus for debate and future developments .
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