Example sentences of "[vb -s] [to-vb] [prep] [num] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you can not find a language helper who only wants to work for one hour a day , try hiring someone to do gardening or housework for you on a more fulltime basis and then use that person also as a language helper until you reach the stage where you can cope with a fulltime language helper .
2 I do n't know , maybe the time was better for making music than it is now , there was less touring , not this hysterical feeling that everyone needs to jump from one place to another , or the lure of too many good orchestras — maybe it 's true that there are now more good orchestras than good conductors .
3 Today 's athlete has to specialise in one discipline in one sport in order to achieve success at the highest level .
5 Botulism tends to remain in one location , so it 's not a threat to Slimbridge .
6 But by distinguishing clearly between them in this methodological fashion it is possible to explore how far local state action tends to fall into one type rather than another when action on any one policy is considered .
7 While faith-healing tends to work on one part of the body , Reiki treats the whole system . ’
8 If the subject prefers to look at one stimulus rather than another we can assume that he has detected a difference between them .
9 If desired , further measurement can be obtained from this ; for example , we can measure the dispersion of a frequency distribution of sentence length , and so determine how far complexity tends to vary from one sentence to another .
10 As long as it takes to get from one end to the other !
11 Whatever he tells me seems to go in one ear and out the other .
12 Where , then , did and do the remainder , the ‘ others ’ fit : — ‘ on the edge ’ ; in some buffer zone between categories ; or in a hybrid form , grappling both to make a space and to find a name : Fibre Art — Who Are you ? ’ talks of this hybrid form as an ‘ undecidable ’ ( Derrida ) , ‘ something that seems to belong to one genre , but overshoots its borders and seems no less at home in another …
13 Indeed a great deal of ordinary everyday conversation appears to consist of one individual commenting on something which is present to both him and his listener .
14 Platelet-derived growth factor has been highly purified and appears to consist of two polypeptide chains of molecular weight 14000–17000 covalently joined by disulphide bonds ( reviewed by Bowen-Pope and Ross , 1984 ) .
15 There are some children whose vision seems to vary from one situation to another , and there may be valid reasons for this .
16 Its orbit takes it around the world once every 24 hours , so it appears to stay at one point in the sky .
17 More , the fact that this being , Homo sapiens , is from the moment of birth aware of itself in relation to others , and experiences and defines itself in such a relational mode , suggests the universal , pre-cultural basis of a relational concept that appears to occur in one form or another in all human cultural systems : the complementarity of Self and Other ; Us and Them .
18 More important , since Pound 's use of indentations conveys visually the effect of the verse-lines being ‘ stepped ’ down the page , to speak of ‘ step ’ shifts attention from what rhythmically happens between the start and end of a line to how the poet manages to turn from one line to another .
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