Example sentences of "[vb -s] [art] [adj] part [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many functionalists see shared values as the key to this explanation : ‘ value consensus ’ integrates the various parts of society .
2 The course of Hornblower 's love for the forthright ( and fictional ) sister of the noble Wellesleys , developed through his uneasy , self-tormenting thoughts , plays the central part in the novels demanded by their romantic tone and structure ; in the way the two proud individuals adjust to an intimacy which disturbs their essential need for privacy of character , in Hornblower 's emotional vacillations when in perilous circumstances he meets Mane de Graçay again , his behaviour and musings are consistent with his given character .
3 This synkinematic , footwall intrusive suite constitutes the northeastern part of South Mountains and includes ( from oldest to youngest ) South Mountains granodiorite ( Tsm ) , Telegraph Pass granite ( Ttp ) , felsic dykes ( Tfd ) and microdiorite dykes ( Tmd ) .
4 It separates the saturated part of the aquifer from the unsaturated zone above it .
5 It covers the upper part of the body and consists of bands of semicircular scales all pointing upwards , ending at the lower edge in a belt from which hangs a broad piece of pleated cloth .
6 It has been shown that the Upper Freshwater Bed of the Cromer Forest Bed dates probably from an early interglacial , but there is no sign of a marine transgression in the bed although it covers the middle part of the interglacial , when such a transgression would be expected .
7 The longer stretch which contains the Creole part of the turn , beginning with " I did n't mind " and ending " but to dance " — disrupts this pattern and is thus set off from the rest of the turn .
8 The multielement regional geochemical dataset , which covers a large part of the country , pointed to several areas of potential mineralisation , hitherto unknown , including three areas in Scotland in which particulate gold is associated with pathfinder elements , and gold is associated with arsenic in altered metasediments .
9 Continental crust is only about one-half as efficient at conducting heat as oceanic crust , so if a supercontinent , such as Pangaea , covers a significant part of the Earth 's surface heat will build up in the mantle below it .
10 But over the last year or so we 've developed a solid state equivalent , which has no moving parts at all .
11 The iron shank is quite short and rather delicate , and the key has a small part of the bit surviving .
12 She has a small part in a new Christopher Columbus movie , due out in February , and a lead role as a brewer 's daughter with ambitions in Monty Python man Eric Idle 's new film comedy Splitting Heirs .
13 The Barber Institute of Fine Arts has a leading part in Birmingham 's cultural renaissance .
14 The maintenance of a firm currency has an important part in the battle against inflation , but if pursued uniquely by means of offering foreign holders of sterling an ever-increasing interest rate premium , the result will be severe damage to the British economy and the Tories ' chances of re-election .
15 Cropping allows the remaining parts of the image to be enlarged to fill the space .
16 When eating small mammals , it frequently strips and eats the soft parts from the carcase discarding the skin and bones , and it sometimes accomplishes this in a most peculiar fashion .
17 It also encourages the community to anticipate such changes and so achieves a good part of the benefit of change without the waste of litigation , or the expensive , uncertain , and awkward process of legislation .
18 ‘ After arranging Wetherby 's room , she washes the top part of her dressing gown in cold water , knowing it will be dry by morning .
19 The most impressive example is the movement central to the structure and the meaning of the Te Deum , ‘ Tu ad liberandum ’ ( ‘ Thou didst not abhor the Virgin 's womb ’ ) , in which the composer carefully marks the vocal part with many aspirations , accents , ports-de-voix and other ornaments , and the orchestral sound forms a halo around the soprano voice , which , if sustained at the indicated speed ( minim=32 ) creates a remarkable atmosphere of awe and beauty .
20 The ministry of Christian healing and deliverance introduces the missing part to the incomplete picture of modern and alternative medicine .
21 The notable exception to this pattern is the west-east elongate salt wall feature which traverses the northern parts of Quadrants 47 and 48 .
22 However , it is generally agreed that industrial structure plays no general part in the urban-rural shift .
23 Breaking up large firms plays no significant part in UK competition policy although in the US the telecommunications company AT & T was split up into regional competitors .
24 It is undoubtedly true that the audience plays no active part in the production of content and that audience feedback is minimal but , as some have pointed out , the communicators ' image of the audience can affect the content of mass communication .
25 According to press reports , road-blocking now plays a regular part in police efforts to control the movement of fans on their way to football matches .
26 Reinforcement , or lack of it , plays a major part in all behaviour and is especially important when attempting to get people to do what you want them to do .
27 There is something very special about climbing hills where the sea plays a major part in the surrounding scenery .
28 For this reason , accurate diagnosis of underlying causes on the basis of visible symptoms plays a major part in the treatment of physical illnesses and will often enable doctors to provide accurate predictions about the future course of the illness .
29 Guilt plays a major part in the who's-that-at-the-door game .
30 A levy of some sort is essential , so that the industry plays a major part in all training .
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