Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is an extremely important result , both because of its policy implications which we shall consider later in this chapter and because of the scope it offers for testing the rational expectations hypothesis .
2 The LIFESPAN Meta PI routines are so called because they provide a VMS command interface to LIFESPAN in a similar way to the Procedural Interface ( PI ) routines , but unlike PI they are supplied as executables for performing the following specific functions : Update Baseline , Directory Integrity Check , and Type Module .
3 In fact , he says , they are rule governed and functional : ‘ In informal conversation they have a proper role , as they are one of the main means language has of expressing the various alterations in the force and direction of argument that we find ourselves using ’ ( Crystal , 1976 , p. 24 ) .
4 This astute move by Sony looks like capturing the attractive , generic ‘ electronic book ’ name for the benefit of their own platform .
5 And he looks like remaining the only two- and four-wheeled world champion for quite some time … unless Joey Dunlop , Eddie Lawson or Wayne Gardner have other ideas !
6 The Trust looks like becoming the premier wilderness organisation in Scotland .
7 And because we live in an era when all other human relations and values are in crisis , or at least somewhere on a journey towards unknown and uncertain destinations , xenophobia looks like becoming the mass ideology of the 20th-century fin de siècle .
8 The key to freeing the body to regain its lost dignity lies in inhibiting the unconscious habit of muscle tension ; only then may we perform actions in such a way that they become as much a joy to carry out as they are to watch .
9 For these methods , used to regulate consumption on the basis of a drop in the economic power of the town relative to the village , will be quite inappropriate to a state of affairs whose basis lies in developing the productive forces …
10 The skill lies in choosing the right production company and working harmoniously with them .
11 On the contrary , I must know how things look to me : my only error lies in choosing the wrong words to describe it .
12 So it 's erm I suppose part of the humour lies in taking the metaphorical to the literal is n't it .
13 The cure lies in identifying the disturbed relationship , making such reparation as seems appropriate , and so restoring peace and tranquillity .
14 Mr Smith believes it lies in treating the educated public as reasonable people and facing up to the fact that their expectations do need satisfying .
15 As stated earlier , the key to achieving serious progress in the review and upgrading of old minerals permissions lies in amending the existing compensation regime .
16 Our interest lies in measuring the gastric secretory response to food , the major source of ingested bacteria .
17 The system of the citizens filling offices by random rotation , and of having the right to take part in the assembly , meant that Athens between , say 462 and 322 , came as near as any community ever has to achieving the democratic ideal of government by the people themselves , through citizen participation , rather than the modern substitutes of representation or even delegation .
18 It starts by taking the present population a as the population of the base year , and proceeds to age the population , er adding births and subtracting deaths to get a population in the projection years .
19 Crumley starts by analysing the piecemeal approach to development and lack of adequate environmental control in the Cairngorms .
20 The present article starts by highlighting the pivotal role of police results in the criminal process .
21 Following the three articles in which Anna has reported on the Designaknit 4 software , a great design aid for any knitter , she concludes by exploring the extra facilities provided by the Designaknit 4 Professional package .
22 Because of the stress on argumentation , the rhetorical approach warns against assuming the internal consistency of social consciousness or social representations .
23 The experiments will principally involve questioning children about stories whose interpretation depends upon understanding the different logical implications which ‘ mental state verbs ’ ( eg think , believe , know ) have in contrast to other kinds of verb ( eg walk towards , stand next to ) .
24 SunSoft plans on making the official announcement on March 29 at the beginning of the hoop-la surrounding the Second Annual Solaris Developers Conference in California .
25 Their correct application depends on using the correct units .
26 The art of achieving a steady-state beam depends on balancing the controlled gas leak and the sample outgassing with the continuous pump evacuation at a given beam voltage .
27 Not all projects will be suitable for BOT treatment , which depends on satisfying the private sector that the project is economically viable with available technologies and practices .
28 The payment will remove another obstacle to BSB 's goal of a spring launch for their five channel subscription TV system , which now depends on solving the technological difficulties involved in the set of chips that scramble and decode the satellite signal .
29 All accurate drawing depends on finding the underlying forms .
30 The commentary is largely ignored by an animated audience that talks while watching and participates by applauding the rich images of trays of ripe fruit and tomatoes in the marketplace in Managua , Nicaragua .
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