Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [adv] [coord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , clamber up through the rhododendron bushes to one of the crests beside the Lac d'Aumar and look over , and the landscape at once turns much harder and more hostile ; you know then you are on the edge of the truly wild Pyrenees .
2 Over the next year , through the summer of 1838 , it is the variety and species formation stages of this argument that Darwin develops most fully and explicitly .
3 It is certainly possible that Mercury once had a molten iron core which has since partly or wholly solidified .
4 The Col d'Aubisque is high , at 5,600 feet , and the views that you have from it are sumptuous , both back the way you have come , and now to the east as well , across to the prominent peak of the Pic du Midi de Bigorre , once thought to be the highest in the chain because it stands rather apart and closer to the plain , and before people took to actually measuring altitudes , the nearest peaks were mistaken for the tallest .
5 ‘ The fact that the regime has so quickly and so completely imploded in East Germany could risk a reunification of Germany almost by default before long , ’ one diplomat said .
6 ( Gledhill 1954 , p. 44 ) This demand for a wider and less myopic frame of analysis has only recently and partially begun to be met , primarily in a shift towards an interest in actual spectatorship , but also in related issues such as the experience of viewing and the role of cultural differences in film reception and production .
7 Nothing more than that someone , by no means necessarily the purchaser of the record , has in the past bought not from Nestle 's but from a retail shop three bars of chocolate and that the purchaser has thus directly or indirectly acquired the wrappers .
8 A similar scheme in parts of North America has already dramatically and permanently reduced malicious and hoax calls .
9 The counsellor should try to achieve a more equitable balance by enabling the weaker individual to present feelings and needs as coherently and forcefully as possible , perhaps by clarifying and expanding on what is said .
10 The Socialist Party , which got its economics so disastrously wrong at the start of the 1980s , has now more or less caught the point .
11 Your article on the problems of foreign-owned stockbrokers in Tokyo ( ‘ Gaijin , gaijin , gone ’ , December 22nd ) has caused considerable offence within Barclays and has quite unfairly and incorrectly singled out for attack one of our middle managers , Michael Tomalin .
12 As a result of these anti-avoidance provisions , the foreign business carve-out is excluded , and the general COB Rules apply in relation to the customer concerned , where : ( 1 ) A UK office executes a transaction with or for a UK private customer on the instructions of a non-UK office ; or ( 2 ) A UK office gives investment advice in relation to any transaction to a non-UK office , which the non-UK office passes on to ( or uses for the benefit of ) a UK private customer if ( in either case ) : ( a ) the UK office itself transmitted the order to a non-UK office of the firm ( even if a different one from that instructing it ) ; ( b ) the UK office has itself advised the customer in relation to the transaction concerned ( and the customer has then directly or indirectly given the order to the non-UK office which deals through the UK office ) ; or ( c ) the UK office has advised the customer to deal through or seek advice from a non-UK office of the firm ( even if the relevant prescribed disclosure was made ) .
13 It is also a tool for management , because a budget , as an operational budget , specifies either directly or implicitly the cost , time and nature of expected results .
14 Paradise Lost is taken by most at the level of the author 's presentation and unless one looks very deeply and sceptically at Satan or one is a Christian like Lewis or a Puritan like Milton one can not laugh at him for being a fool .
15 This can and does of course occur in many other churches too , but the new churches may find change occurs more easily and more quickly .
16 Perhaps no one would deny this ; but as each generation of students arrives more defiantly or hopelessly monoglot , as a whole new discipline ( called ‘ Comparative Literature ’ ) has come into being to cater for those exceptional persons who can read more languages than one , the need for a classroom manual to redress this state of affairs becomes ever more urgent .
17 We have recently set up a electronic news server devoted to Leeds United which allows fans to make contact with other Leeds fans both home and abroad , via the vast electronic networks which connect computers worldwide .
18 As all readers will appreciate , this change of course occurs quite frequently and sometimes has to be decided upon very quickly .
19 ‘ We are making progress but that is n't something that happens overnight , it happens very slowly and almost imperceptibly . ’
20 If its enemy is still not daunted and picks up the toad in its teeth , the poison acts so swiftly and powerfully on the mucous membranes of the mouth that the attacker drops the toad almost immediately .
21 This already exists both formally and informally but a new development in this respect is the proposed establishment of the Oxford Institute of Legal Practice ( OILP ) , a joint venture between both universities .
22 It grows very rapidly and hence needs regular pruning .
23 For cutting hedges by hand Sandvik 's well-balanced Professional Hedge Shear ( about £32 ) has a long reach and cuts very easily and cleanly .
24 It rusts so quickly and so sort of firmly it forms a very thin film of aluminium oxide on the surface .
25 " … a guide for the medical practitioners of both tropical and temperate regions to the origins and diagnosis of infections that are tropical as opposed to being cosmopolitan , and of great value for training and teaching because it reproduces much better and more comprehensively than is possible with ordinary textbooks the appearance of specimens that will be examined … has been prepared with great care and deserves to remain one of the standard texts in the subject for many years . "
26 The Dodge stays flat enough but only because the tyres are n't capable of generating the lateral forces of the Vauxhall .
27 As I mentioned earlier , when you get something that plays really easily and fast you wo n't necessarily get the best sound , and so on .
28 To ensure that the marking goes as quickly and smoothly as possible , Marking Kit overlays are now available .
29 I have fair skin that burns very easily and barely tans .
30 He goes here there and everywhere .
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