Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adj] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Given its success after only eighteen months , and the current plans to extend the Thameslink network , it now seems hard to believe that passengers have enjoyed the ability to cross London by regular electric BR services for such a short time .
2 It seems natural to assume that Mecdi means that Fahreddin Acemi died in 870 , and some relatively early evidence for this date is found in two of the manuscripts of the Anonymous Chronicle ( Uruc ) .
3 However , since joint production and ( more clearly ) joint marketing is much more likely to create the undesirable anticompetitive effects which cause concern than joint R&D is , it seems reasonable to insist that firms which propose extending joint activities beyond R&D must bear the burden of proving that such extensions are in the public interest .
4 It seems reasonable to conclude that employers and managers were unlikely to have missed the message but had consciously rejected it .
5 But on the basis of evidence available now , it seems reasonable to conclude that class is not of the first importance in structuring our experiences of family life .
6 It seems reasonable to suppose that John was born and spent his early years in Grimston , Norfolk , where his family was recorded as having an estate in 1664 , but there is no record of his educational background .
7 It seems reasonable to suggest that children should in fact learn to read in more than one way — to be mainly concerned with overall sense when the going is easy , but to be able to switch to a mode where they become more aware of and attentive to the actual text .
8 It seems reasonable to assume that changes in the steady-state responses , as measured in the above experiments , reflect alterations that would also affect the response to synaptically released L-glutamate ( for example , changes in the number , or conductance properties , of AMPA receptors ) .
9 Certainly , it seems reasonable to assume that individuals whose temperamental make-up is more ‘ psychotic ’ , and who therefore have a greater predisposition to psychosis , will be in greatest danger of passing over the threshold into overt illness , just as those of anxious temperament are more likely to develop an anxiety neurosis , and persons whose blood pressure is more labile will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack or stroke .
10 We have no hard evidence of the origins of language in prehistoric communities , but it seems reasonable to assume that speech preceded writing and dialogue preceded monologue .
11 Since linguistic change and rapid dialect mixing appear to be a general characteristic of urban dialects ( Labov 1972b : 300 ) , it seems reasonable to assume that insight can be gained into the processes of their formation if a set of data from a city is compared with a set from a surrounding area .
12 How much reliance can be placed on the details of the story is perhaps open to question , but it seems safe to conclude that Molla Fenari and Haci Ivaz were indeed enemies , for whatever reason .
13 Extreme reductionism is usually a sign of restricted outlook and it seems safe to say that sociobiology will not remain long in so puritanical a stage .
14 But , until Pyongyang opens up ( and the suppression of a plot against the ‘ blood-line of the Party ’ in February 1991 , suggests not everyone welcomes the prospect of Kim Jong II taking over ) , it seems safe to say that Romania under Ceauşescu ( like Iraq under Saddam ) had one of the most inbred political élites in the modern world .
15 It seems safe to assume that Jefferies , like Waterton , Buckland , Wallace , and Charles Kingsley , would have been on his father 's shelf .
16 It also seems important to recognize that projects are not all the same .
17 But if one is to allow counting at all in a literary context , it seems perverse to insist that counting should stop at the number one and go no further .
18 It seems fair to suggest that discourse analysis of spoken language is particularly prone to over-analysis .
19 Here , as with rape , it seems sufficient to show that D ‘ could not care less ’ whether the other party was not consenting .
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