Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] [pron] first [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Andrew Impey has really come on in leaps and bounds since he first broke into the first team and Ian Holloway does a great job for us . ’
2 Write the Captain 's log for the period that starts when they first saw the strange " whale " and ends when he saw the Monongahela for the last time .
3 Most men agreed that the most satisfying fantasy occurs before they first go to bed with a new partner — when having sex is a fantasy that' almost bound to come true .
4 She says when they first moved up there was an old stone sink and a cold water tap ; no hot water and since then the council has put in a new sink with hot and cold running water .
5 Wordsworth has observed a primrose perched on top of a rock ; in the second stanza he remembers that he first saw it many years ago ( actually 1802 .
6 he may have taken up ideas for operas put to him by collaborators — Myfanwy Piper remembers that she first suggested the Henry James story .
7 All this assumes , of course , that the doctor 's duty demands that he first satisfy himself that the patient is capable of making a rational decision .
8 It seems when you first had
9 My hair jumps as I first go into the deep end
10 Cognos notes that it first entered the Japanese market in 1985 and initially sold its products there through distributors for Hewlett-Packard Co , Digital Equipment Corp and Data General Corp hardware .
11 I am allowed a say on this question of standing up at football matches because I first planted my feet on the terraces at Barnsley when I was five and spent the next 15 years or more rooted to the spot .
12 IT is billed as a comedy but director Ian Forrest admits when he first read the play he thought it ‘ very bleak with not a lot of laughs . ’
13 After everybody drinks when they first come in yeah ?
14 ‘ It claims that we first select a particular task that we wish to carry out , and then select the appropriate machine which will enable us to perform this task .
15 He suggests that we first obtain estimates of α and β , say and , from an ordinary least-squares regression of equation ( 3.49a ) .
16 The reward comes when you first survive a stronger puff without falling .
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