Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] been [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Old Mr Fiddle has not been there for some time , Rose , ’ said Dagmar from the door .
2 Even such an exalted pedigree as this , though , has not been enough for some of Britain 's big stores .
3 Low Birk Hatt Farm has always been home for my family .
4 Part of her power is that she has always been there for her children , part of her sadness is that they have betrayed that care by what she sees as dereliction of duty .
5 On Jan. 28 Goulding said that " one of the conditions which has always been there for the deployment of the UN force in Yugoslavia , namely a stable ceasefire , has now been fulfilled " , although there were still violations of the ceasefire , albeit " comparatively minor " ones .
6 ‘ He has n't been downstairs for over five years .
7 ‘ He has n't been here for some time , ’ Hari answered .
8 His father has n't been here for years .
9 Er , yes that was David , Robert has n't , Robert 's coming next weekend , but he has n't been here for a few weeks
10 Johnson said : ‘ It just has n't been there for me .
11 No it has n't been there for a little while British National Corpus I 've been carrying it around with me
12 But she has n't been there for a few weeks now so I think she might be ill .
13 She has n't been there for about a month .
14 He has n't been home for twelve months
15 He 's a new environment officer , he 's only been there for a month or something .
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