Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] with [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It seems that girls may be given fancier names because this fits in with a traditionally feminine image while the common masculine-sounding names for boy babies , like Richard , David , James and Alexander , would ostensibly give a boy fewer problems than Tarquin or Marmaduke .
2 This fits in with the traditionally tight control that local authority finance directors like to keep .
3 One way of putting this difference between the bounded nature of research and the comparatively unbounded nature of higher education is to say that , in research , the researcher starts off with a fairly hazy idea of what might emerge and ends with a precise formulation or conclusion , whereas in higher education , this is reversed .
4 The student starts off with a fairly definite hold on the world , built on reasonably stable concepts and ideas , but at the end of the course has grasped that very little of the intellectual world has enduring substance and that there are always more cognitive spectacles to put on .
5 He describes a ‘ good-enough mother ’ ( i.e. , a mother as good at being a mother as any of us can expect either to have or to be ) as someone who ‘ starts off with an almost complete adaptation to her infant 's needs , and as time proceeds she adapts less and less completely , gradually according to the infant 's growing ability to deal with her failure . ’
6 The most welcome caller is not the one who rings up with a carefully arranged bouquet of words delivered ‘ at the double ’ ; it is the one who calls to enquire , to listen , and to sympathise when necessary , leaving the elderly person feeling warmed and cared for .
7 Built in quality stone and timber , the lodges have a country elegance which blends perfectly with the richly wooded hillside .
8 Gordon John Sinclair is Gregory , a gangling , amiable misfit who falls in love with Dee Hepburn but eventually cops off with the infinitely more desirable Clare Grogan on a balmy evening in East Kilbride — which looks like heaven .
9 The month kicks off with the Not-So Innocent Bystanders ' production of ‘ 3 Steps to Heaven ’ , a new music theatre piece by writer/performer Helen Trew , and directed by local actor Richard Orr .
10 The book deals progressively with the how , the why and the when of every stage of a simple conveyancing matter .
11 The waterfall is a part of the enormously extensive and complicated subterranean water system that has been traced now through this limestone mass if and which links up with the astonishingly deep fissures or gouffres that the speleologists have explored in the mountains to the east .
12 … however worthy the original intention it is almost inevitable that one ends up with a pretty fair rag-bag and that a carefully drawn long title offers no real defence .
13 Try to avoid an approach which ends up with a very small amount of airbrake .
14 The danger in viewing the organisation as a purposeful entity is that one ends up with a highly abstract and artificial analysis .
15 This ties in with a generally romantic view of sexual expression denying this to anyone with any degree of physical or mental impairment ( Strean , 1983 ) .
16 The outcome may well depend on who copes best with the long run in to polling day .
17 Erm , one thing some people do know that are in this room , and others do n't , and he 's quite embarrassed about this , on the way home from the conference , Matthew and I had a very , very bad accident , on the motorway and we 're both very , very lucky to have survived actually , erm , but erm , unfortunately during the course , well after the accident , Matthew was breathalysed and found to be over the limit and he 's in court actually in the Birmingham area on the twenty second of February , and we 're hoping that he gets off with a very light sentence , but er , we 're both very , very lucky to be here today .
18 It will total about £59 million , which compares favourably with the measly £3 million that Labour spent in its last year in office .
19 But British Rail compares favourably with the less reliable Czech rail .
20 It complements EE in many ways and builds into a living encyclopaedia of electronics which keeps up with the ever advancing world of technology through regular updates/supplements .
21 Nadel , an Austrian-Jewish emigre , viewed the British colonial administrators with a sometimes caustic eye , and the journal contrasts sharply with the relatively diplomatic comments made in his published work .
22 ‘ This rather formal approach contrasts neatly with the more informal approach generally adopted by central governments in their relations with local authorities in the years up to 1979 ’ .
23 When the Miller has finished telling his tale , Chaucer characterizes its contents once more , this time describing it as a " " nyce cas " " , " a foolish state of affairs " ( 3855 ) : an apparently neutral moral description which nonetheless contrasts significantly with the more clearly marked " " harlotrye " " that has formerly been used to label the contents of the pair of fabliaux we are now halfway through .
24 A female that moves in with an already paired male must share him with the other females .
25 It also , incidentally , sits oddly with the widely peddled idea that Dr Owen is seeking a place in the Major cabinet .
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