Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is only the slow pace of human speech and human reactions that slows down the electronic processes that come into play when national security appears to be at risk .
2 Figure 6.3b shows yet another type of homoclinic orbit ; this one involves only the stationary points and C " .
3 The candidate looks down the offered answers arid circles A or B or C or whichever answer he thinks appropriate .
4 Arguably it is this aim which provides the ‘ ideological coherence which holds together the various initiatives and pieces of legislation ’ ( Stoker , 1988 , p. 251 ) introduced by the Conservative governments of the 1980s .
5 For a given BFS , if we choose the so that whenever is basic , then ( 8.2 ) contains only the non-basic variables and we can deduce that is the objective-row coefficient of .
6 ( 1 ) A registered club may apply to the sheriff for any one of the following orders : ( a ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on weekdays shall not be those set out in section 53(3) of this Act , but shall instead be the period between eleven in the morning and two in the afternoon and the period between four and half-past ten in the evening or alternatively be the said periods on weekdays other than Saturday , and on Saturday be the period between one in the afternoon and half-past ten in the evening ; or ( b ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on Sundays shall not be those set out in the said section 53(3) , but shall instead be the period between half-past twelve and two in the afternoon and the period between four and nine in the evening ; or ( c ) an order which contains both the aforesaid provisions ; and the sheriff shall , if in his opinion the conditions set out in subsection ( 2 ) below are satisfied , make the order applied for .
7 It illustrates clearly the divergent needs of liquidity and profitability that confront most banks .
8 The force of repression is like a great dam that holds back the raging torrents of the instincts of the unconscious and allows er some of them through , but others break through in holes , and holes and cracks appear which are the unconscious returning as one
9 Tonight he holds back the ill-concealed shudders and caresses the swelling head , he bends and kisses the skin exposed .
10 An extract from a speech to the Reichstag in April 1939 illustrates well the personalized claims Hitler made for ‘ his ’ great ‘ achievements , and how far these rested on ‘ national ’ rather than specifically Nazi ideals and aspirations .
11 It dwarfs even the extraordinary experiments under way in Poland and Hungary , and the one just starting in East Germany .
12 No other calamity has quite the shattering effects on personality and behaviour as the experience of acute hunger .
13 The requirement of " proper " means covers where the accused demands what is his : such would not be robbery but can be blackmail .
14 Under ( i ) , research and field collection covers primarily the following subjects : traditional tales , songs and music , social organisation , material culture , custom and belief , and place-names .
15 Ask pertinent questions or make statements in which the learner fills in the missing words , so that the student 's understanding can be tested .
16 A look is created , forgotten and then reinvented years later as it hits a dead end and digs up the tried-and-tested looks of yesteryear .
17 What really annoys me is what happens whenever the magic words ‘ million ’ or ‘ billion ’ are uttered .
18 As a director his work embraces both the narrative traditions of French cinema and a critical awareness of the styles and conventions of Hollywood .
19 Oh , it says here the basic necessities the things you buy have er have actually gone up , or they 've hardly moved at all .
20 A series of leaflets is available which describes how the various services which are available can be used .
21 Where a departure affects only the corresponding amounts , the disclosures required by this abstract should be given for those corresponding amounts .
22 The drawing shows only the enclosing boxes for the comprising assemblies and parts in the highest , " machine " , level of the hierarchical structure .
23 It 's not some bloody film where the heroine straps on a gun and blows away the bad guys .
24 It assesses both the general processes affecting the public enterprise sector , and the variations between countries resulting from differences in the political environment and in institutional industrial relations factors .
25 Worse ( < ) heat or warm room is very marked , this affects both the local conditions , like pains and inflammations , and also the patient himself ; better ( > ) cold in any form , air , applications etc .
26 Since the tomato , being a member of the Solanaceae tribe which includes also the poisonous nightshades , was long regarded as a dangerous if not actually deadly fruit ( the potato and the aubergine , also of the Solanaceae family , have in their time suffered from the same associations ) presumably the mixture of vinegar and spices used in the early sauces were regarded as safety-devices against the possibly toxic effects of the fruit itself .
27 The plan clears up the legal wrangles set off by the federal government 's decision in 1988 to sue the state government over water quality in the Everglades , but leaves unclear many of the details of the clean-up .
28 This shows clearly the potential inequalities of the system , with some areas experiencing huge increases in rates as a result of large revaluations , while others are much less affected .
29 A sound that conjures up the balmy shores of the Carribean .
30 However it is linked to these things because they and it are part of a complex whole , and this rules out the simple correlations between two elements which Engels sought to establish in his ‘ historical ’ discussion .
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