Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] give [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ England , of course , and the southeast , ’ and it goes on to give you the dates , the times , the places and contacts and so forth .
2 ‘ Do n't you know God has not given you the spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind ? ’
3 It is only now , in middle age , that joy is beginning to develop in her heart , as she begins to realize that God has truly given her the gift of life .
4 The micro-processor , enabling previously labour-intensive work to be carried out by robots , will give us greater leisure ; the leisure industry is labour-intensive ; therefore , paradoxically , instead of reducing the number of jobs , the micro-processor has actually given us the potential to create more careers than it destroys — but only if we plan the leisure it gives us in a comprehensive and professional way .
5 Fate , thought Charlotte , gazing innocently back into his admiring , devoted , humiliated and furious face , has certainly given me the upper hand of you , my boy !
6 Another of the smaller outfits is Blue Peter Sailing , which runs a 29-footer with seven berths and promises not to give you the ‘ sail-it-on-its-ear-and-hard-luck-if-you're-seasick ’ routine .
7 In these stories the young characters learn that their greater physical power does not give them the right to treat the little people as playthings or inferiors .
8 The council tax will treat widows unfairly in the same way , because it does not give them the discount that they deserve .
9 When Michel Rocard was replaced by Edith Cresson on 15 May 1991 , his official letter of resignation made it clear that President Mitterrand had asked him to resign , even though the constitution does not give him the right ( the President is responsible for ‘ nominating ’ the Prime Minister and for approving the Cabinet , but not for dismissing him ) .
10 As fighting on board goes first one way and then the other , the captain strikes Thomas Fox to death with a belaying pin in an access of rage because the boy , genuinely unaware of the seamen 's plotting and almost insensible after hours at the masthead in icy weather , does not give him the names of the conspirators .
11 An order for specific performance is one which requires the seller actually to deliver the goods and does not give him the option of paying damages instead .
12 However , although we can keep this association in mind , it does not give us the whole picture .
13 But despite the undeniable tendency in financial markets towards a more laissez-faire environment , the term deregulation does not give us the full flavour of events .
14 The mixture of an SD1 engine , Range Rover flywheel and exhaust in a Range Rover does not give you the power that you might expect , so be careful when mixing engine components such as flywheels , camshafts , distributor and carbs from different engine applications .
15 ‘ Her Majesty is paying your bills now , not the State , but that does not give you the right to behave any way you like . ’
16 However , this does not give you the automatic right to go overdrawn .
17 Your card does not give you the right to overdraw your account .
18 That 's one thing here , will get them in and out , but I 've spoken to patients who say they do n't get the care here and , on the surface it looks a brilliant hospital , it gets them in and out , you know , it does everything , it 's got all the facilities but it does n't give them the care .
19 ‘ Philippe does n't give me the impression of being exactly hard up , ’ retorted Melissa , thinking of the designer suits and the new luxury Peugeot in the garage .
20 Just because the guy can drop names we have all heard of and used to know Bruce McLaren does n't give him the right to bore us every week .
21 Still , she thought as she closed the door of the trophy-room , it does n't give him the right to treat me like — She bit off the dreadful word that sprang to mind .
22 Ah , , he has complained now to the Vatican that he , any more , because of , Swiss the community does n't give him the
23 He said , but he said it does n't give us the excuse of not paying the invoices on time , and he said erm I have warned him for it this morning and he said he will process it , and he said the cheque will be in the post here on Monday .
24 ‘ That does n't give you the right to make free with me whenever you choose .
25 ‘ Well , even if they are , that does n't give you the right to poke your nose into my affairs ! ’
26 Look , I appreciate the use of the bathroom , but that damn well does n't give you the right to stand there with that superior look on your face , lecturing me as if I were a child . ’
27 That still does n't give you the right to treat me like a child , ’ Robyn persisted .
28 Obviously you 're annoyed about that letter you received — but that does n't give you the right to vent your spleen on me .
29 ‘ That does n't give you the right to dictate to me . ’
30 Does n't give you the size of
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