Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [conj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 BBC chairman flies in as Birt row deepens
2 module names and details ( module names and subtypes only if transfer mode is inhibit or delete ) ,
3 But you know that the accelerating effect on a Secondary Darkfall starts slowly and gains momentum .
4 The company is not turning away existing customers ; it is trying to reassess business on the basis of customer needs rather than product lines .
5 DOUG MILLS/AP John Major looks on as Bill Clinton answers a reporter 's question at the White House
6 THE BEGINNING OF THE END Lord Young looks on as Paul Reichmann drives the first pile at Canary Wharf in 1987 .
7 If the red light starts to flash whilst in operation , the battery has less than 5% life left , and there is no light at all when the battery is completely flat .
8 Margaret Thatcher and Ruby Wax tie for bottom place ; neither musters more than 1% support as sex objects .
9 Today it has more than 8m customers worldwide , employs 26,000 people in the UK , controls 3.5% of all shares listed on the stock market and pays out £10m every day in pensions , savings and life insurance policies .
10 Barbara gets shot by Fred MacMurray , Joan is remaindered by Edward G. Robinson , and Bogart stands back while Mary Astor is hauled off to jail .
11 Europe 's oldest remaining glass cone , dating from the mid-eighteenth century , stands here where William Fenney started his own glass works in 1740 after experience as a works manager on the other side of Sheffield .
12 Husam eddin rejects the story of the quarrel and the dating of Molla Fenari 's departure in the reign of Bayezid I , asserting that Karaman had been wholly taken over by the Ottomans in 793/1391 while the documents ( dated 796,802 and 804 ) show Molla Fenari 's period of office as kadi to have fallen after that date ; and he says rather that Molla Fenari returned to Karaman with Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey in early 805/summer 1402 , following the battle of Ankara ( Dhu " l-Hijja 804/July 1402 ) , when the latter was freed and reinstated by Timur and Karaman reconstituted as an independent state .
13 Gatevalves are usually fitted with wheel handles rather than cross-head handles and must be kept fully open to avoid airlocks .
14 IT is obscene that TV Gladiator Hawk eats more than £120 worth of food every week when people in the Third World are dying of starvation .
15 Monsieur Mitterand has already said that he 's going to seek to drive a harder bargain with Britain over fishing limits even than President Giscard was trying to do , and I think our negotiators must expect a rather tough time as far as fisheries are concerned .
16 The system uses well and log data to provide on-the-spot reservoir analysis , enabling drilling to be adjusted to maximise well productivity .
17 The only manuscript of the latter author available for this present study says simply that Molla Fenari went on the pilgrimage by way of Damascus in 833 and mentions neither his return nor his death .
18 The Norfolk board meets today and Mr Eyles is confident it will reject what he terms , Mr Tyrie 's ‘ preposterous attempt at personal aggrandisement . ’
19 Lloyd Walker arrives today as skipper Michael Lynagh flies home to have surgery on his dislocated shoulder .
20 West passes again and North rebids two no trumps , inviting you to bid game with a maximum .
21 This never happens , of course , so poor decisions do surface as the day wears on and fatigue levels increase .
22 The new telecommunications backbone comprises high capacity fibre optic cables and microwave links rather than copper cabling , which means that voice lines are sharp and clear — and that high capacity data links are also available for the businesses that need them .
23 Business strength increases vertically and market attractiveness increases from right to left .
24 But as time wears on , the novelty wears off and dissatisfaction results .
25 This includes more than 1m council tenants in England who have exercised their right to buy .
26 ‘ He always reaches out and kisses Nicky 's photograph .
27 Sometimes Anne disagrees , whereupon Millie disagrees back and conversation rages .
28 Pilkington recounts how when Winifred Harper turned on her tap , ‘ out came a yellowy , stinking acerbic fluid which curdled the milk ’ .
29 And that laid there bottoms up when Mr Collyer come up with his throshing tackle at night , and he say :
30 Noel Bridgeman 's piano accordion takes over where Dooley Wilson 's piano left off , and adds just the right ingredient .
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