Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] have [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It also has we have the largest independent producers of street maps in the country .
2 Has anybody had the opposite experience with er with the kind of the drugs we 're talking about , whereby they have been helpful and th , and they , and they would recommend them ?
3 While visiting the local volcano , Serena is profoundly upset by the sight of hardened lava fields around a bubbling centre , and this causes her to have a nervous breakdown .
4 When Count Philip of Flanders suspected that his wife had committed adultery with Gautier de Fontaines he had the young man killed by hanging him upside down in a cess-pit .
5 Has he had a bad appraisal then or something .
6 Has anyone had an actual break or ?
7 Because Boocock has concentrated upon colour photographs it has a disturbing quality of being particularly modern although the last day of steam at 70A , the depot which served Waterloo , was 9th July 1967 .
8 But everyone says I have a nice complexion .
9 Mother says I have a true feeling for medicine . "
10 It allows you to have a firmer feel for the road at higher speeds without giving up power assistance when , regrettably , it comes time to park the car .
11 She says she had a perfect childhood , an almost miraculous childhood .
12 Nick says she had a bigger same d , same dinner as what he did , he said he 's never seen a kid eat like it .
13 CROOKED tycoon Robert Maxwell 's widow wishes she could help the pensioners her husband robbed but says she has no spare money .
14 She says she has a nice cake next door , one she made last night .
15 I 'll say it is I 'll say it is but she says she has a trapped nerve in the top of her leg , she says sometimes it 's not so bad but she said it 's not bad , you know when I get up she says I 'm in a lot of pain and it , you have to take painkillers for it
16 Her husband says she has a big mark across her throat from the rope .
17 The housewife says she has an old and inefficient vacuum cleaner : this is a statement about the inappropriateness of the tool to the work .
18 yeah , done well , I might re come winter I 'll probably replace it , I wo n't bother now it 's not worth it with summer says she having a nice summer
19 ‘ So Rebecca 's lying when she says you have the financial ledgers and a couple of files out of the security cupboard , is she ? ’
20 Surely in a way I 'm answering my own point , you would have to go beyond just having a set of words on paper which says we have a major exceptions policy .
21 Martin haycock says they had a terrific start and after that it was rythm rythm all the way
22 She was n't his life : she was his youth ; Constanza says they had the same kind of public behaviour and as one gets older it counts .
23 Denis Smith says they have a good pedigree and have proved they can do it
24 He says they have a few pounds to trim off the engine but that will be achieved by Imola .
25 He says they have an othapedic surgeon who comes to the practice once a months , so she could be treated within eight weeks .
26 He says he had a split personality .
27 He says he had a fifty-fifty chance of surviving the operation but it was better than no odds at all .
28 Carter says he had a hundred quid on him , Mike .
29 She says he had a hard life :
30 Now he says he has no immediate plans for exit and has not ruled out a trade sale .
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