Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] [not/n't] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If , for instance , if extremely problematic strapping , splints or plaster of paris treatments are used and treatment should be started as soon as possible after birth , so the sooner you notice these things the better You 've all had your hospital experience , has anybody not actually seen a child with erm club foot ?
2 Has it not possibly occurred to Mr Marshall that , without the audit , one could reduce one 's prices significantly and , if one is efficient , make rather more profit , providing clients with a service that they in fact desire ?
3 The Back to the Future ride has us not simply gawping at Michael J Fox traversing time in a souped-up De Lorean but ( ostensibly ) taking his place .
4 The white boys impute an imaginary position of advantage to blacks , which allows them not only to deny the actual conditions of black oppression , but to claim them as their own , in order to justify exclusionary practices which keep blacks ‘ one down ’ and themselves ‘ one up ’ .
5 First , the notion of ‘ usability ’ leads us not only to focus on the eventual users of the information for whom , presumably , companies are investing significant amounts of money on more or less elaborate information-processing systems and structures .
6 To a degree unknown in any other use of language he finds himself not only attending to what is said but simultaneously hearing the words as textures of vowels and consonants , noting rhythm , rhyme , assonance ; meanings refuse to be tied down , disclose nuances and associations of which he has never been conscious ; sights and sounds which he has never heeded become sensuously precise and vivid in imagination ; emotion assumes a peculiar lucidity , undisguised by what he habitually feels or has been taught that he ought to feel ; truths about life and death , which he follows social convention in systematically evading , stand out as simple and unchallengeable .
7 Additional problems are created by the heaviness of the monsoon rains which not only wash the sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen out of the air and over the marble but further erode any weaknesses in the stone .
8 Its hard , shiny finish means it not only looks smart , but withstands knocks , bumps and scrapes .
9 The Holy Spirit is God 's gift to us , and he means us not just to read about him but to make use of him .
10 But when a Duchess descends to mingle with a person of obscure birth , does she not then degrade herself ?
11 After 22 months , does he not yet understand that sitting there crossing his fingers and closing his eyes will not bring recovery ?
12 Does he not just see Lapps ?
13 Does he not also accept that much of his programme was going to come about in any event , that he has deliberately delayed the urban programme announcement , that six of our valleys are still not designated areas under the Act and that a proper revitalisation of the valleys would require massive and genuinely new investment spread over at least eight years , not advertising hype spread over three ?
14 Does he not therefore find it extraordinary that the Labour and Liberal parties remain committed to the abolition of grant maintained schools and that in local government they are waging a relentless campaign against G M schools , as typified by the behaviour of Essex County Council .
15 Does not that demonstrate that low taxation , low inflation and good industrial relations are the basis for strong investment , including inward investment ; and does it not also show that the future of this country is excellent under this Government ?
16 Why then does it not eventually become an exact facsimile of that mother ?
17 Does it not merely subtract from what is already there , and should n't a truly creative process add something too ?
18 And does it not readily pervade all bodies ?
19 The second issue , and it is closely related to the first , is whether the succession of images — and they succeed each other with alarming frequency — enables us not only to remember past events but to learn from our past mistakes .
20 The important point is that a basic awareness of body language enables us not only to recognize danger signals from other people but also to tell those around us that we do n't intend to submit meekly to being attacked .
21 Dissecting and describing , he makes you not only know but feel what it 's like to live without a phone and be totally dependent on erratically functioning call boxes for the battle-lines on which to fight for late or lost benefit payments .
22 Having taken advantage of 100pc relief he claims they not only bought tackle which ‘ has mainly stood idle ever since ’ but did so with borrowed money on which they are still paying interest 10 years on .
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