Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] [adj] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from that , it is a completely autonomous body , which reaches its own decisions outwith the control of the council and appoints its own chairman every 12 months .
2 The US calls its latest weapon the Ground Launched Cruise Missile ( GLCM ) , inevitably pronounced ‘ glickum ’ .
3 THOUGH it has been more than 30 years since Jim Chilchutt last cut a rug at a high-school dance , he recaptures his lost youth every weekend , cruising the streets of Ventura behind the wheel of a 1948 Studebaker .
4 Ninny , played with strength and softness by Jessica Tandy — tells her new pal a tale of two girls who grew up together in the racist Deep South of the Thirties .
5 The defender launches his pre-emptive counter-attack a split second after the attacker prepares to strike .
6 His writings fall into three periods : French 1359 — 1372 Italian 1372 — 1386 maturity 1386 — 1400 To this last period belongs his best-known work The Canterbury Tales of about 1387 .
7 Each creature understands his own kind the best .
8 That gives you five pound a month towards your pension which is nothing is it ?
9 Now he 's hoping he gives his new club a good return on their three hundred thousand pound investment .
10 Does my hon. Friend the Minister agree that while Britain has the highest proportion of health costs funded by the public purse , the British public have shown their confidence in it by the fact that only 13 per cent .
11 What advice does my hon. Friend the Minister have for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment and local authorities , to ensure that , wherever possible , hedgerows are protected , since they can endure at least as long as roads ?
12 Following the remarks of the hon. Member for Walsall , North ( Mr. Winnick ) , does my hon. Friend the Minister agree that most people want the benefits that will come from privatisation freeing the constraints placed on the industry ?
13 She waters the plot every day and seems to have no intention of giving up , since she saves her own seed every year .
14 Bob Cools , the town 's socialist mayor ( who spells his first name the ordinary way ) , complained about a show of Antwerp as seen by foreign photographers ; he said locals could have done the job better .
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