Example sentences of "[vb -s] [art] [adj] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 My diary records the frequent wish for ‘ interesting people and interesting places ’ .
2 But , in a ground-breaking move , EIGA has struck a deal that involves the Russian Agency for International Cooperation and Development giving companies buying the cover a letter promising not to pounce .
3 Sealants , Adhesives and Coatings supplies the two-coat process for other military end-uses .
4 ( It is this shift which , as we noted in the Introduction , supplies the chief rationale for this book . )
5 Cain ( 1985 ) argues that it is the unreliability of marriage , no longer , as we have seen in chapter 3 , a contract of total sanctity , which constitutes the economic case for policy interventions to help women in the labour force .
6 Indeed , in an essay which may be read as a gloss on aspects of S/Z ( with which it is roughly contemporary ) , ‘ The Death of the author ’ , Barthes writes that it is the reader , and not the author , who constitutes the only focus for the multiple writings and codes of which the text is made up : ‘ The reader is the space on which all the quotations that make up a writing are inscribed without any of them being lost ’ ( 1977b : 148 ) .
7 This gesellschaft model presupposes a society made up of atomic individuals pursuing private interests , in competition with one another , in which the principle of individual enterprise constitutes the chief mechanism for the allocation of resources .
8 In the same way , Fanon suggests that at the political level the so-called ‘ Third World ’ constitutes the disruptive term for the European political dialectic of capitalism and socialism .
9 Aristotle believed that strict determinism must be rejected because it destroys the natural basis for distinguishing between voluntary and involuntary actions .
10 The only problem is that the first time you do it for each project if it 's a ne if it 's a an old project , then we are going to have to put something in the field which summarizes the total remit for the whole of the group to date .
11 As the next few paragraphs are going to get quite biochemical , and I see no easy way round them , Figure 10.3 summarizes the whole sequence for anyone who really ca n't bear the details ( you can then skip to page 258 ) .
12 Finally , Darwin displays the indirect evidence for the theory : the explanations it provides for a wide array of facts in biogeography , geology , embryology and so on .
13 My lord of Gloucester displays the utmost affection for his nephews — his care is solely for their welfare and he judges that Prince Richard 's place at this auspicious time is with the king his brother .
14 If in fact the auditor 's assessment of the distribution of the future cash flows conveys new information to the market , then this will have some impact on prices as the market reassesses the appropriate discount for risk .
15 The optimal position for households is represented by point B , while point A represents the optimal position for firms .
16 Channel B represents the typical chain for mass-marketed consumer goods .
17 He had repeated once more that the central position in the Peace Alliance belonged to the Labour Party " for not only is it the largest opposition party , but it represents the essential core for any progressive alliance — the working class " .
18 Because once costed it represents the estimated fee for the group 's involvement in a project , either in the form of an appointment contract for the client to sign .
19 In Fig. 4 , L represents the total demand for money and M 1 s the initial supply of money .
20 It took the view that the upper limit is arbitrary , and might operate unfairly , since a person just above the limit receives no assistance , whereas a person just below it might have to make a substantial contribution but would have the security of knowing that that contribution represents the maximum liability for costs regardless of the actual cost or the outcome of the case .
21 Using techniques such as discriminant analysis and cluster analysis , a model is being developed which represents the occupational structure for women .
22 No single word accurately represents the conceptual basis for the skills in question but information skills at least allows for flexibility .
23 Given the growing acceptance of the view that education represents the basic condition for future economic success , partnerships are surely well placed within their localities to begin the task of building the structures and confidence necessary to establish education investment banks or funds where there is a professional approach given to venture capital for educational development .
24 ‘ I think we can beat Glenavon but will have to keep our fingers crossed that the other game goes the right way for us , ’ he said .
25 But I want to be a history maker , to be the first coach who wins the European Cup for an English club and the coach who makes England an international force .
26 OUR chums at Twitbread once again wins the wooden spoon for naff PR .
27 Tom Pratt 's developed system offers the ultimate approach for the really serious aerial photographer .
28 For all irrational and exploitative forms of authority , self-assertion — the pursuit by another of his own goals — is the arch sin because it is a threat to the power of the authority ; the person subject to it is indoctrinated to believe that the aims of the authority are also his , and that obedience offers the optimal chance for fulfilling oneself .
29 In reality , however , it is more a triumph of public relations , especially when his announcement is judged against the reality of what his review offers the long-term future for the coal industry .
30 If an adenocarcinoma in Barrett 's oesophagus is diagnosed , resection offers the only chance for cure .
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