Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] the [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In November the first of these digests for the months July , August and September , will be available .
2 Wh what happened is , Richard was the team section leader , Dave historically looks after the bearings sales .
3 The epididymis then joins with the vas deferens which winds a tortuous course in front of the pubic bone to join the urethra near its junction with the bladder .
4 It starts with the systems analyst asking for the detailed requirements of the user .
5 It also provides instructions to enable you to have quick access to the information it contains via the Tools menu .
6 On leaving the testis , the sperm traverses a tightly coiled convoluted tube , known as the epididymis , which eventually widens into the vas deferens .
7 But , ironically , the longer-term explanation lies in the restrictions Washington has maintained on Japanese car imports for almost a decade .
8 The demonstration starts in the Sports Hall at 9.30am .
9 The clitoris is the female equivalent of the penis and it has a glans clitoridis , which corresponds to the glans penis and is similarly well supplied with sensory nerves .
10 This chapter looks at the roles video can have in teacher training and at materials associated with these roles .
11 In fact , we do run a project which looks at the ways science can be taught in the first school , which has been very surprising to me and many of my colleagues by what can actually be done with children in the ages of five to seven .
12 In fact , we do run a project which looks at the ways science can be taught in the first school , which has been very surprising to me and many of my colleagues by what can actually be done with children in the ages of five to seven .
13 The row does not affect the Small Beer Festival which starts at the Arts Centre on Thursday .
14 In fact , how the rape survivor feels about her experience in the criminal justice process is more likely to be affected by what happens in the police station and then in the courtroom than how it is reported in the press .
15 ‘ We aim ’ , he says in the LBS study , ‘ to invest in good basic businesses , producing essential products for which there is a clear continuing demand .
16 However , after a few steps v , and unc usually become heavily diagonal , so that Mr tends towards I ; this occurs before the vectors Yr have converged .
17 So , you 're saying that when I saw the colours change , that was like what happens to the police siren . ’
18 It was realized , however , that physical efficiency depends on the tasks individuals have to perform and in itself is not a Yes No variable but rather a continuous one .
19 The impact of additions depends on the additions technique used .
20 ( As outlined in section 1.1 , they will orbit around the centre of mass , the position of which depends on the masses M and m . )
21 He arrives at the police station .
22 He now wants his heirs to be kings as well which goes against the witches prophecy of Banquo 's heirs being kings and not Macbeth 's .
23 Congruent Corp licenses XIE for the RS/6000 from $500 , and licensees wil receive free of charge software upgrades as the standards process progresses .
24 ( Adapted from Mackey 1965 ) ) autonomous and heteronomous languages The context here is sociolinguistics and more particularly the relationship that exists between the terms language and dialect .
25 Given the excessive demands already placed upon Walter Smith 's squad at domestic , European and international level , and the injury crisis which envelops Rangers ' manager as he prepares for the Champions League game with FC Brugge tomorrow , it would seem likely Roxburgh will lose some of the Ibrox contingent .
26 After discussing romances and thrillers in their entirety , Nash continues with a more detailed examination of the two subgenres : in Chapter 4 he deals with the beginnings middles and ends of magazine and action stories , while in Chapter 5 he presents an account of some " standard ingredients " like " places , faces , fights and embraces " found in readings of this type .
27 The workflow software recognises the type of query from the keyed data , gives the document a priority code , and automatically checks with the accounts computer to verify the sender 's details .
28 Yet computer cuts in the services sector mean that , for now , it can do little more than mark time .
29 According to this analysis regions such as Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Kent need to invest in education , training and infrastructure in order to maximise the potential benefits of the Channel Tunnel , particularly in the long term when congestion costs in the grands poles become insupportable and investors look elsewhere .
30 This utility file is a replacement for the COMMDLG.DLL which resides in the Windows System subdirectory .
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