Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the criticism , however , is directed against the nationalism of the developing countries — against Arab , African or Latin American nationalism , for example — which challenges in various ways the dominance of the industrial capitalist nations ; yet it is evident that nationalism is just as strong in the latter countries , though for good historical reasons ( they are long established , accepted nation states ) it may be less vehemently expressed .
2 I assume that it contains among other things the letters I have sent to him .
3 16.20 From level 5 , strand ( i ) in the statements of attainment describes in broad terms the kinds of literature that pupils will read at successive levels , taking into account the various dimensions of text difficulty described in paragraph 7.17 .
4 That the Court of Appeal possesses in particular circumstances the competence to set aside convictions ordered to be restored by the House of Lords is implicit in section 17 of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 , providing for referrals to the Court of Appeal by the Home Secretary .
5 Keith Pennyfeather , a senior countryside officer with the commission said : ‘ Much of the restoration being carried out on the Pennine Way inevitably occurs at remote sites a considerable distance from the nearest road .
6 Figure 2a and b shows on log-log plots the experimentally determined ' against T/T c for K 3 C 60 and Rb 3 C 60 .
7 Orthodox constitutional theory bestows on individual members the right of independent action and does not regard them as the representative of the party without which they would not have been elected ; over-solicitude for the wishes of their constituents would probably lead them into conflict with the party in parliament .
8 In a way he sees the eternal and translates into human words the wonder of existence ; for him the individual soul has eternal meaning .
9 Minton 's zestful response not only captures in vivid terms the quality of these artists ' work , but it also reveals his own anxiety about what contemporary art should do and be .
10 … American and European societies became increasingly interdependent , by which I mean that complex urban-industrial societies involved individuals in unprecedentedly complex patterns of relations extending beyond personal and community ties to distant bonds no less real because of their obscurity . …
11 The process of money-wage inflation reduces by successive degrees the magnitude of X L until it eventually vanishes .
12 The nature of railway transport , with heavy trains travelling at speed along fixed tracks between stations and terminals , dictates within broad limits the organization of railway work and creates requirements for specialized control systems .
13 Asturias 's The President , which recounts the story of the dictator 's henchman who falls out of favour when , under the influence of love , he repents of his misdeeds and changes his ways , re-creates in inverted terms the myth of Lucifer 's rebellion against God .
14 This is most evident in the data on mortality due to obstetric causes , which reflects among other things the quality and accessibility of prenatal care and the conditions surrounding care attending delivery .
15 Would it be possible to have another look at the last provision that the Minister mentioned , which imposes on local authorities a duty to provide sites for travellers ?
16 Focus groups said they would pay more taxes if the cost of the Federal machine was cut , and so Clinton announces with great fanfares a 25 per cent cut in White House staff .
17 The more determinedly she hunts for confirmatory details the more the sources and scale of her information multiply , so that she reaches a stage of nervous exhaustion from sheer overload .
18 Roger Protz welcomes with open arms the rebirth of stout and porter , and Michael Jackson chaperons drinkers who want ale , not lager , when abroad .
19 On the other hand , when ο is small enough to satisfy and putting the integral becomes In spectral terms the first integral corresponds to a narrow line of infinite amplitude centred on zero frequency and it provides the mean level or direct component of the signal over all time , .
20 The bill extends to other bidders the traditional competition between the BBC and ITV for screening certain events ; while party political broadcasts will have to be shown on Channels 3,4 , and 5 .
21 In addition , the bill also extends to other bidders the traditional competition between the BBC and ITV for screening certain events ; while party political broadcasts will have to be shown on Channels 3,4 , and 5 .
22 When gas comes from volcanic regions the ratio of 3 He to 4 He is eight to fifteen times greater than found in the atmosphere and crustal rock . ’
23 This inculcates in rural officers a notably greater intolerance of pollution in everyday work .
24 OK , we 've got Hardware and a fistful of talced-up goths but when it comes to ominous undertones the altered States are a league ahead .
25 OK , we 've got Hardware and a fistful of talced-up goths but when it comes to ominous undertones the altered States are a league ahead .
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