Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [adj] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 I wanted as far as possible to forearm the boy at the beginning of adolescence — not ramming a weapon into his hand willy-nilly , but showing him the size and shape of it and where it lies in such a way that he would take it up without realizing he was doing so and find himself using it when he needed to .
2 ‘ If , God help us , the situation develops in such a way that the only service I could render my country would be to do it [ accept the presidency ] , then I would do it , ’ Mr Havel said .
3 If the economic and social structure of our community develops in such a way that in retrospect it seems a conventionalist strategy would have been more suitable , then pragmatism will already have brought the reigning pattern of adjudication very close to conventionalism .
4 The front leg then lifts into a roundhouse kick and drops in such a way that the hips are cocked for a powerful reverse punch .
5 Thirdly , it is also possible that the advances in birth control operating within the climate of an ‘ acquisitive society ’ might well have permitted couples to plan their family lives in such a way as to allow them to enjoy the consumer benefits of society .
6 What in effect happens is that the system stabilizes in such a way that the slider of potentiometer VR1 is maintained at a constant level .
7 This occurs in such a way that similar increments of growth are similar in shape , similarly oriented , and similarly magnified relative to their predecessors .
8 The social worker whose aim is to effect change in response to some cry for help , will try to ensure that the change occurs in such a way that it is manageable for the system as a whole .
9 Of course exactly that case never occurs , or if it does it occurs in such a way that it is not recognized as being a repeat run of the previous bitter experience .
10 The objective is to transform instincts and desires in such a way that they can be fitted to the overall goals of a person 's deliberative life .
11 Even if he acts in such a way from what he misguidedly thinks are ‘ humanitarian ’ reasons , the tribunal will be unlikely to be impressed , as the manner of dismissal would eliminate the possibility , however remote , that following consultation , your job might be saved .
12 But a context normally also acts in such a way as to cause a single sense , from among those associated with any ambiguous word form , to become operative .
13 Any group that acts in such a way as to threaten to disturb the smooth running of the governmental organization is likely to be seen ( often rightly ) as a challenge to the status quo .
14 He made it clear that the Employment Secretary , Michael Howard , was not prepared to see Community action in the field of industrial relations and that Community legislation should not push up labour costs in such a way as to reduce the ability of business to compete in world markets .
15 Speech production is seen as relying on the reverse process — that is , the ability to translate abstract ideas into speech sounds and to articulate those speech sounds in such a way that they are comprehensible to other people .
16 They are each highly effective if the body evolves in such a way as to exploit them to the full .
17 Peter Wagner defines the gift of the evangelist as ‘ the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to share the gospel with unbelievers in such a way that men and women become Jesus ’ disciples and responsible members of the Body of Christ ’ ( Wagner 1979b:173 ) .
18 The reason for this is that the number of tucks within the work distorts the knit stitches in such a way that they rise up above the surface of the knitting , forming a very three-dimensional effect .
19 So you mean , it goes on all the way through with just adverts all
20 The freshening dominates in such a way as to suppress convective water mass formation .
21 Nonetheless , the very fact that no less a person than the prime Minister speaks in such a way is a confession that green issues have intruded upon political life to such an extent that they can no longer be ignored !
22 Not only does the epidermis secrete the greater part of the cuticle but it also produces the moulting fluid ( Bade and Wyatt , 1962 ; Jeuniaux , 1963 ) , which dissolves the old endocuticle before the immature insect moults ( p. 361 ) , it absorbs the digestion products of the old cuticle , repairs wounds and differentiates in such a way as to determine the surface patterns of the insect ( Wigglesworth , 1959 ; Lawrence , 1967 ) .
23 This look into the relatively near future highlights the importance of writing media releases in such a way as to catch an editor 's attention at once .
24 Do I because they write their press releases in such a way that it grabs you and says , ‘ Hey !
25 If the worst effects of LMS are to be avoided and its potential benefits realised for teachers and their pupils then teachers must ensure that the decision-making process in their school operates in such a way as to enable their full participation .
26 A team operates in such a way that a balance is struck between concern for the task ( the ‘ what ’ ) and concern for the process ( the ‘ how ’ ) .
27 The process of law enforcement , in its broadest possible interpretation , operates in such a way as to conceal crimes of the powerful against the powerless , but to reveal and exaggerate crimes of the powerless against ‘ everyone ’ .
28 Throughout this Part of the Act , a sharp differentiation is made between the person who intends to stir up racial hatred , and a person who behaves in such a way that racial hatred is likely to be stirred up by his behaviour .
29 However , while the journalist , or the politician for that matter , tends only to select things which are in accord with some preconceived view or set of values , sociologists try to go beyond this by using clearly defined theoretical concepts , representative samples and writing research reports in such a way that they can be examined , tested and , perhaps , modified by others .
30 But they are a reality which Naipaul treats in such a way that they , too , can at times seem phantasmagorical .
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