Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like the Founder 's Day Service , this too has developed into an impressive annual event .
2 But the personalities of the fossil hunters involved have ensured that this protective move by the Ethiopians has developed into an acrimonious tussle .
3 The TQM strategy has developed from an earlier corporate planning exercise carried out in 1986 and more recently from a comprehensive survey conducted by an external quality consultant with support from the SDA .
4 Ms Amanda Taylor , 29 , who took up the Lib Dem banner , also has to contend with an Official Liberal Party candidate , Mr Erbie Murat .
5 Laura Levine has pointed to an interesting relationship in early modern England between fears of sodomy and fears of the theatre .
6 Their cash has fallen from an average £4.20 a week last year to £4 , a survey reveals today .
7 In the past three months output has fallen by an annualised 10.8% from its level during the three previous months .
8 On the next level are classrooms for conductor-trainees , offices and a sitting/buffet area , which has to cope with an international mix of families , visitors , students , staff and conductors .
9 ‘ At one level — and leaving out the executive stress — this woman has to cope with an enormous sense of personal threat , ’ he said .
10 The wound I made in you has healed in an ugly way .
11 But as anyone who has sat on an equal opportunities working party will tell you , it is one thing to formulate policies and quite another to implement them .
12 If he is less than successful he may find that he has to work with an unco-operative discharger .
13 All this has come as an unpleasant surprise to Hong Kong 's officials .
14 The author has come to an overall conclusion that , perhaps , clients and dealers are very much the same sort of people .
15 The inference that he did so by selling is supported by the incidental evidence of miracle-stories : one from St-Benoît-sur-Loire , for instance , recorded in the 870s , tells of two " comrades " ( compares ) at the monastery 's weekly market , who quarrelled over the 12d. they had made on their joint transactions ; another story of similar date from St-Hubert in the Ardennes has a peasant ( rusticus ) stating quite explicitly that he has come to an annual fair " to acquire the wherewithal to pay what I owe to my lord " .
16 ‘ This validation from the Prime Minister has come at an important time for the industry as it strives to get up off its knees , ’ said Keith Banbury , Chief Executive .
17 The observation of the Great Wall has come from an ambitious project to map the positions of all visible galaxies which are brighter than a specified minimum .
18 The Museum is a registered Charity with no public funding and Mick Miller , Finance Trustee , said : ‘ This sponsorship is a very generous gesture and we are delighted that this has come from an enterprising local company which has pledged support for our activities for the next three years . ’
19 After closing for a year to refurbish its exhibition rooms the Diozesanmuseum has reopened with an exceptional exhibition of rare manuscripts from the Biblioteca Apostolica in the Vatican , ‘ Vaticana — liturgy and devotion in Medieval times ’ .
20 Although the king in The Magician who lost his Magic is not named in the story , he seems to be King Rollo , a character who has featured in an animated television series based on a series of David McKee 's books .
21 She has grown into an elegant and gracious woman , but lost none of the spark that made her such an endearing young bride .
22 The economic theory of job search has grown into an important aspect of labour economics in recent years .
23 If the first two years of the Thatcher Government are excluded — when the Government managed to achieve a negative rate of growth — the British economy has grown at an average rate of 3 per cent .
24 Lynda Warren , author of the report , said : " This industry has grown at an alarming rate , in a complete policy vacuum .
25 As Professor Moule has written in an unpublished paper , ‘ to generalise the Holy Spirit and use the term to denote God 's activity anywhere and everywhere , is to miss the biblical theme of election for service , and to ignore God 's strange way of particularising in order to universalise . ’
26 M4 , the best measure we have , has risen at an annual rate of around 18 per cent , and even this year it has continued to rise at that rate .
27 Are employment figures alone sufficient to infer that the economy has shifted from a goods to a service economy , that the economy has moved from an industrial stage to a post-industrial stage .
28 Even by the normal ballooning standards of construction projects , this one 's original budget has turned into an amazing work of fiction .
29 If Rose wants to behave like an irresponsible teenager , that 's her affair .
30 Over this period the stock of such investments has expanded at an average annual compound rate of just under 19% .
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