Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] [pron] for the " in BNC.

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1 As far as I know , the Canadian Rugby Union has received nothing for the development , or even the maintenance , of our cash-strapped programme .
2 For instance it is offering a number of parallel application development packages — Linda , Express and PVM — alongside the AIX Parallel Environment Software that the company has developed itself for the SP1 .
3 When that news hits him , the narrator seems to crumble , even though a premonitory dream the night before has readied him for the shock .
4 Yeah she said she has to wear them for the television
5 I am glad that she has joined us for the debate .
6 But he has forsaken them for the moment , at least in his current Emmerich show , ‘ Some Very Recent Paintings ’ ( opening 14 January ) .
7 Brody , for example , has written something for the first issue . ’
8 But coming from a theatrical background has prepared her for the highs and lows of an actor 's life .
9 Henry Porter doubtless spoke for many when he wrote recently in the Guardian : ‘ Little in the post-war years of decline in Britain has prepared us for the deep sense of unease now being experienced by its people .
10 I do nt think he has done anything for the national game .
11 John Major has made one for citizens , British Rail has done it for their passengers , the banks have formulated one for their customers and now the JS distribution division has done it for the branches .
12 ‘ We know that the semi-final is important , and every one of us wants to win it for the manager , but we have got to approach every game in the same way .
13 Kessler , known for his ingeniously mechanised and electrified constructions , this month ups the ante with a piece called ‘ Music Box ’ which has got something for the ears as well as for the eyes .
14 For this is the beach club that really has got EVERYTHING for the family .
15 The ‘ fine boy ’ with the grim destiny is Thomas Fox , a boy of fifteen whose father , a small farmer , has entrusted him for the first time with a flock of sheep for Portsmouth market .
16 Years ago I used to think this was a fun sport but the reason for thinking this has escaped me for the last 2 weeks .
17 I 'm the sort of person who wants to do everything for the people I love and he is the sort of person who 's self-sufficient , or seems to be … = ’ she paused .
18 Our body clock has woken us for the next day after only a minimal opportunity for extra sleep .
19 The new Eve momentarily wants to be a tragedy queen ; for a few flickering instants , she wants to be like almost ali the characters in literature whom we find most beguiling — Cleopatra , Anna Karenin , Madame Bovary , Eve herself in Paradise Lost — a figure who has risked everything for the sake of une grande passion .
20 If he has become a hero to the Muslim masses outside , and probably to a lot of Third World non-Muslims , it is not on his merits , but because the United States , with gratuitous and superfluous aid from Britain , has cast him for the part .
21 For example , there is a right way and a wrong way of answering a stranger who has asked you for the time .
22 Charlotte only wants to marry him for the house and comforts he can provide her later in life .
23 I feel so comfortable with your mother and the whole time here has changed me for the better . ’
24 The keeping of livestock includes keeping them for the production of food , skins or other agricultural purposes .
25 And their Aussie coach Peter Walsh intends to repay them for the huge gamble they took when giving him the job last summer .
26 she , keeps checking me for the thyroid as well now , every time I go and the tablets are all going haywire , she takes a blood test , a blood thing you know , your pulse every time I go
27 ‘ He was fit to be tied when I separated from Hugh , and he seems to blame me for the whole thing .
28 In another cliffhanger the Saltires , for whom Paul Hull was outstanding , came off second-best again when Mark ‘ Turbo ’ Thomas powered over for two tries to clinch it for the holders ( 12–10 ) .
29 But he pledged last night that he would still be leading the team for tomorrow 's League game at Darlington even if Flashman does sack him for the third time in a year .
30 He 's picked me for the Jack Gannon , and I 'm four months under age , and he says Hermia 's really improved . ’
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