Example sentences of "[was/were] going [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 They would be in favour of it if it could be worked out in a practical form : but it did not mean they were going to give up the freedom of the seas .
2 If the family were going to take on the outside world , they 'd do it in eccentric style , his father had implied .
3 You were going to take on the ones we had last time .
4 They were going to put on the big show .
5 Er about this strike and er but time went on and it became obvious that er nobody were going to win only the boss like this boss , course he was he was scratching through , and so they called the strike off and every person who worked at er every firm had a meeting and they all decided to take so many and every firm took so many of the workers and so nobody was ever unemployed as a consequence of the strike which was very very good .
6 I thought we were going to walk down the line of men , touch them on the shoulder maybe , like some cop programme on TV , but that was n't it at all .
7 I told him that if he did n't cut out the vicious behaviour , Brian and I were going to cut out the co-operation , we 'd stop eating .
8 Mr Toubon has denied the rumour which circulated in Paris after the March General Election that he was going to shut down the trouble-torn Bastille Opera to carry out a complete technical and financial inventory .
9 My plan for how I was going to live out the rest of my days had just been torn up in front of my face and I needed time to adjust .
10 Novotna had looked well in control , always seeming to guess correctly whether Seles was going to hit down the line or cross-court .
11 Somewhat bruised , the raiding party made their way back to their rendezvous on foot , with David Stirling wondering how he was going to explain away the loss of the truck .
12 It looked as if blending inheritance , which at that time was believed in , was going to rule out the possibility that erm that such things er could occur .
13 For a moment Merrill thought that Luke was going to turn down the idea , but Sam persisted , ‘ After all , there 's no harm in combining business with sightseeing , is there ? ’
14 Balor was going to let down the drawbridge so that they could ride across it .
15 In the present case it is in my judgment clearly established by the evidence , first , that the plaintiff had a belief at all material times that she was going to receive both the cottage and the remainder of the deceased 's property on his death , and secondly , that this belief was encouraged by the deceased .
16 The person whom I was going to take over the job from said to me at the end of the meeting well what do you think of that meeting and I must admit I the answer and luckily somebody else instructed with some other business and I felt I got off the hook here but in fact that got dealt with very quickly and he came back to me and said well what did you think of the meeting and I had to say to him just one word , was the way I put it .
17 She was going to take back the night .
18 I had no doubts that he was going to pick up the package .
19 Whether because people really did not know how to interpret the revolution in England or because they wanted fairly complete independence and correctly suspected that William was going to exercise much the same overall powers as Charles and James had done , there was a revolt in New York that took some months to suppress and the colonists of Massachusetts at the beginning of the 1690s were no more reconciled to English rule than in the past .
20 So Alexander left the surgery determined that he , himself , was going to find out the solution to his curious problem .
21 I was going to phone up the A T S tyre people just to find out
22 She was terrified that Brian was going to bring up the word all the baby manuals kept using and which she had come to hate : bonding .
23 This was sold to us , please , this was sold to us on the basis that it was going to bring in the baddies and sort out the baddies , and we 'd all live happily ever after .
24 But , we always thought then that it was going to bring about the end of all these things and result in a future where
25 He showed us videos of them in action and I was convinced he was going to bring out the old Kirk Douglas film The Vikings to empha-sise the point , ’ said Neal .
26 She said well , tell Grant , she said he can have a reprieve , she said it 's May the eighth and , and she says , she probably heard me say it was Friday and that 's when I thought it was this Friday , so I had to phone erm the receptionist at daddy 's works , so she was going to pass on the message to daddy just to tell him just to work late as usual , Grant , rather than come in at teatime and then go back to work again .
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