Example sentences of "[was/were] there [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She was there year after year .
2 ( Was there life before television ? )
3 Jesus who Himself spoke of ‘ the creation ’ could also have rightly spoken in terms of ‘ my creation ’ for as the apostle Paul wrote ‘ by Him were all things CREATED that are in heaven ( was there evolution in heaven ? ) and that are in earth … all things were CREATED by Him and for Him . ’
4 In no patient was there evidence of perforation , even in those in whom bile collections were found .
5 Only in School G was there evidence of study skills genuinely permeating the lower-school curriculum , though again this initiative was very much identified with a dynamic coordinator of IS who has since left the school .
6 When we eventually came out , when the sirens er all clear went we came out look at that there in the A R P warden 's er in the A R P's pavilion , the cricket pavilion there was a skylight there was no blackout to it was there beacon of light the A R P had caught us
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