Example sentences of "[was/were] those [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A key claim of Freud 's would remain : namely , that the more technologically advanced societies were those with the patriarchal authoritarian structure , with its associated sexual morality , and that this was no accident of chance , but a correlation that should , and could , be explained by psychoanalytic theory .
2 For example , Bracey ( 1958 ) in a study of 375 Somerset parishes found that , in general , the more remote and less well serviced parishes were those with the worst and most persistent depopulation , and findings like this only encouraged the further development of theories of settlement concentration in the 1960s although these can also be traced back as far as 1918 , when Peake ( 1918 ) advocated equally-spaced villages with populations of between 1,000 and 1,500 people .
3 References in three separate contexts in Ali suggest that the lowest kadiliks of which the hierarchy normally took cognizance were those at the 25 -akce level ; and these would thus seem to be equivalent to the 20-akce medreses in being the level at which a fully-trained medrese student would expect to receive his first appointment .
4 We had also observed that there were those on the other side of the divide who were watching us .
5 Among the eight votes against were those of the communist KKE-Exterior .
6 But the comments which most hit home were those of the young Lord Altrincham , in his English and National Review , a magazine of scarcely greater significance , but which had the good fortune to publish its August 1957 edition on a newsless Bank Holiday .
7 The forms to be followed in executing the request were those of the requested State , but a request that a special form be followed would be complied with provided the form specified were not contrary to the legislation of that State .
8 The ideas which influenced the liberal-minded intellectuals and the small but growing commercial middle classes amongst the Slovenes , the Croats and , to a lesser extent , the Serbs , were those of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment , which developed into the democratic liberalism of the French Revolution .
9 His principles may have been those of the past , but his virtues were those of the new governments of Europe : common sense , ability , efficiency .
10 Last year the rebuilt Memorial to the Fallen was unveiled in the centre of the town and on it , as well as the names who had served in the military were those of the 11 whose lives were lost .
11 The institutions of industrial relations in state enterprises were those of the Francoist state — vertical ‘ syndicates ’ and strictly controlled , docile company councils ( ‘ jurados ’ ) .
12 The worst problems were those of the Dual Monarchy .
13 The undress field and barracks uniforms worn when the destruction of the USS Maine blasted America into war were those of the 1895 Regulations .
14 People with a maximum hygiene index score of 6 had a relative risk of 2.03 compared with those with an index of 0 , and those at the 90th centile ( score=3 ) were 1.42 times more likely to experience a coronary heart disease event than were those below the lowest decile ( score=0 ) .
15 So far as smaller country and town stations were concerned , there was a wave of rebuilding of Grand Trunk stations in the 1880s and 1890s , but the boom years in station-building ( though not in profits ) were those from the late 1890s to the early 1920s .
16 Outstanding applications were those from the nine other former Soviet republics ( those from all except Azerbaijan having already been approved by the IMF Board of Governors in April ) , and the applications from Croatia , Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina filed in April .
17 She pointed out that the states with the highest suicide rates were those in the Western US , such as Nevada Montana and New Mexico , where guns are more readily available than in the East .
18 And yet , there were those in the late seventeenth century , Robert Boyle ( 1627–91 ) and John Ray ( 1627–1705 ) among them , who envisaged scientific inquiry itself as a form of worship .
19 There were those in the dim corridors of Headquarters who said that his rise had been too fast .
20 In truth , there were those in the American camp who admitted that they had to bow to the Europeans where the Solheim Cup uniforms were concerned .
21 Meanwhile there were those in the British government ( notably Duncan Sandys , the minister of defence ) who were convinced that a time might come when the United States , from fear of Soviet nuclear attack against itself , might hesitate in its support of Europe .
22 There were those among the remaining husbands of the five daughters of Ealdred who would like nothing better than to see Siward perish in an effort to plant a few Anglian soldiers and a bishop in some crumbling old forts in the Lothians .
23 At the same time , it was those with the highest level of education who were best able to draw from particular grievances — against their own foreman or management — a more general analysis of the system which oppressed them .
24 It was those with the highest levels of skill in whom the capacity for independent thought and initiative was most developed .
25 It was those with the deepest roots in industry and the urban environment who developed the strongest sense of the workers as a class apart with its own distinctive interests and goals .
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