Example sentences of "[was/were] then [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Their finished works , scarcely dry , were then put up for sale , promoted , sometimes bought .
2 Letters were then drawn up to be enrolled at the Court of Chancery so we would have the necessary licence to trade .
3 The suspects were then brought up by number , a single man at a time ( and as I heard them begin with ‘ one ’ , the skin of my neck tightened in anticipation of gunfire which never came ) .
4 The levels were then topped up to around 20 metres and final tests were carried out before being handed back to operations .
5 These features were then mixed up with features from the local cottages of Surrey and Sussex — the tiled roof , the tile-hung wall and the gable .
6 The metric system was then built up on the decimal system , which you already have been studying .
7 Briefly , a known excess of H + ions ( 250 µl of 0.1 M H 2 SO 4 =50 µEq H + ) was added to 2 ml of sample and 5 ml of deionised H 2 O. This was gassed with CO 2 free nitrogen ( washed through saturated barium hydroxide solution ) for five minutes to remove dissolved CO 2 from the sample , which was then titrated up to the reaction endpoint at pH 8.4 ( pH meter PHM 82 linked to an autoburette ABU 80 and controlled by an autotitrator TTT 80 all units Radiometer , Copenhagen ) with 15 mM NaOH .
8 One school of thought has it that William received his regular thrashing for untidy work and was then locked up in a tiny room to rewrite it .
9 The possibility of obtaining loans from the Phnom Penh museum was then followed up by the curator in Asian art at the ANG , Doctor Michael Brand : ‘ Normally it would have been the ANG 's desire to have more time , but 1992 was chosen because the Japanese were trying to borrow some objects for a show to be held in 1993 .
10 The solution was then made up to 20 ml by adding HBSS .
11 Moz 's dinner could then be brought into the yard without dumping it over the fence ; and the horse was then led up to this food , caressed a few times , and released while he was still distracted by eating the first few mouthfuls .
12 These were placed in a very large polystyrene box , which was then sealed up with tape and the message ‘ Please reseal if opened ’ boldly written across the top .
13 I was then brought up to this room , in which , at that point of the day , the sun was lighting up the floral patterns of the wallpaper quite agreeably .
14 Now that was er , it was er or they were oranges what had been cut in half and they had the centre taken out so it was just the orange peel and that was pressed into these barrels , filled with water and that was then brought up on to the quay , left on the quay and that used to go to .
15 This led to a great setback for the Company ; by the early 1680s it seemed to have established itself , and paid its first dividends , at about 50 per cent a year , but it was then caught up in England 's wars against France , the bases were captured , and no regular dividends could be paid until after it had got its property back under the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 .
16 Mozart was then coming up to his eighteenth birthday , but already a mature master , and No 29 is both a great symphony and an enchantingly beautiful one .
17 KMnO 4 was then added up to 4 mM and incubation continued for 30 seconds at 37°C .
18 the Alkan baton was then taken up by Ronald Smith , whose epic endeavours on Alkan 's behalf have latterly overshadowed Lewenthal 's .
19 Just as important was the way in which , after the horrific Massacre of St Bartholomew in Paris in 1572 , the French Huguenots were driven to formulate a theory to justify their resistance to a Catholic ruler , a theory which was then taken up by the Dutch in their epoch-making resistance to Spanish rule in the Netherlands .
20 The tube was then introduced up to the sigmoid colon with the endoscope acting as a guide When the balloons were inflated with air , two 8 cm long segments were established ( Fig 1 ) ; one in the rectum ( rectal segment ) and another in the sigmoid colon ( sigmoid segment ) .
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