Example sentences of "[was/were] not [prep] [det] time " in BNC.

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1 Aggregating Dolgikh 's figures , we can arrive at the approximate numbers for the peoples of Siberia in the seventeenth century ( including some 69,000 people of the Altai-Sayan and the far East who were not at this time Russian subjects ) as shown in Table 5.1 .
2 The tree was in silhouette , but there seemed to be flames in one of its branches ; flames that licked high , then guttered and were gone , only to flare again … as if a fire was coming and going … as if the fire was not of this time , but spent brief minutes in the tree , then flared in another world , before revisiting the winter branches .
3 It was not for some time , and after some acquaintance , that she got round to thinking that one of the most charming features of Clelia 's room was its sense of prolonged nursery associations .
4 She was so absorbed that it was not for some time that she realized that the sea on her left was no longer the water of the estuary but had become the ocean .
5 But he added : ‘ It did n't require a great deal of insight in 1985 to appreciate that the business of Barlow Clowes was not at that time being run in a fashion which made it an obvious candidate for a licence . ’
6 The reason was that it was not at that time ascertained that those materials were definitely to be used .
7 Outside certain fields of natural science like chemistry and probably mathematics , which they clearly dominated , their extremely high qualitative achievement was perhaps less obvious , because ( unlike the early nineteenth century ) there was not at this time a specifically German genre of natural philosophy .
8 It was not until some time later that the drawings were found to have been stolen .
9 There was always plenty of activity here , and so much so , that it was not until some time had elapsed , that a rumbling from above brought the GC to his attention .
10 It was not until some time around the 18th century that it was firmly back where it is now .
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