Example sentences of "[was/were] at [art] same time " in BNC.

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1 Heads of department acquired heavier responsibilities , but were at the same time often grouped in wider partnerships — often known , somewhat grandly , as faculties — to encourage more interdisciplinary work and greater flexibility in the use of resources .
2 We used to work eight hour shifts — morning , evening and night — and of these the night duties were at the same time the most boring and the most exciting , depending on whether there was anything ‘ on ’ .
3 What White and Bernard also omit to make clear is that , while the great majority of the ordinary members of the church may well have been largely indifferent to theological issues , many of them were at the same time both outraged and alarmed by a number of alien liturgical practices , which were a unique and highly visible feature of English Arminianism .
4 It is , moreover , an irony that these ministers ( Gaitskell , Jay , Wilson ) were at the same time preparing a Full Employment Bill which assumed a major capacity for planning within the government machine .
5 In Maxwell , the streams of particle and wave physics had begun to converge , with results that were to be disquieting ; but optics and the structure of matter were at the same time fruitfully interacting .
6 Now the thing about this crew and the crews that you were talking about from the Hundredth Bomb Group , the , I guess the most famous crew from the Hundred Bomb Group is with the Roses Rivetus Now our crews were at the same time .
7 He was at the same time very simple and very noble .
8 Marcus again smiled what Ludens saw as a mysterious complicit smile , as if Ludens were a talented tempter who was at the same time a fellow initiate .
9 So I began to sleep with men in order to discover myself , to see , through their unknown , hitherto unmet eyes , the self that I really was at the same time as the self that I really might be .
10 She wondered if he ever dropped it ; she could sense that , however fluently he talked , however intently he listened — and he listened very intently — his mind was at the same time pursuing some other parallel track .
11 They were successfully raised and after being carefully examined and analysed with carbon dating techniques , they appear to have been under construction around 1500 BC — that was at the same time as Stonehenge was built .
12 The previous generic name for many of them , Heros , was at the same time restricted to our old friend the Severum , so that can not be used .
13 Equally , St Paul 's , Shadwell , was at the same time looking for a £6 fee for each iron or lead coffin deposited within a brick-lined grave in the churchyard , though their most expensive intramural location commanded a charge of only £4 18s .
14 The same critical and questioning attitude which was forming the new approach to the Bible was at the same time stimulating scientific study and experiment and discovering the regularities in the natural order — what were and commonly still are called ‘ the laws of nature ’ .
15 The family , for example , was at the same time tending to lose some of its authority and responsibilities .
16 A staunch Methodist with an evangelical conviction that film exists to serve the Lord , he was at the same time the head of the family flour-milling business and imbued with a Yorkshire respect for ‘ brass ’ and profitability .
17 In short , the office of collector of supply was at the same time highly desirable and extremely dangerous to political interests .
18 It was not going to be easy to get any other candidate , and it was at the same time impossible to let the seat go by default .
19 It was directed at an audience to which a man of lesser wit and native grace might have been tempted to talk down ( it has to be remembered that by this time Boulestin and his restaurant had already become almost legendary ) but this was a trap into which he was at the same time too subtle and too naturally courteous to fall .
20 There was no longer any understanding that in making available advantages to private individuals the state was at the same time imposing a ‘ trust ’ that the business be conducted for the public good .
21 There was something about her mouth , calm and amused , that was at the same time enigmatic and debunking ; pretending and admitting the pretence .
22 ‘ Our legends say that it was at the same time as the great Ebony Throne of Ireland . ’
23 He was a straightforward patriot , and , most of all , a man of action , who was at the same time a man of natural sensitivity towards suffering .
24 There was at the same time a dramatic decline in the amount of milk produced by urban cattle-keepers and supplied by road .
25 First her challenge to the primacy of ‘ meaning ’ and support of ‘ cool ’ rather than ‘ expressive ’ aesthetic assumptions was at the same time an advocacy of the collapse of some sort of deep level of signified into the signifier .
26 The modernist and Nietzschean devastation of the idea of historical progress was at the same time a devastation of assumptions of order , authority , stability , consonance , and repose .
27 This ‘ explosion of the instincts ’ was at the same time an explosion of contingency into the world of order .
28 The repudiation of Hellenism in Jerusalem was certainly a reassertion of the faithfulness of the Jewish community to the God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob , but it was at the same time the result of many individual choices .
29 Thrilled to the core by his admission that she disturbed and aroused him , she was at the same time terrified .
30 From this perspective , electoral politics were only one aspect of the struggle , and the parliamentary leaders were considered subordinate to the leadership of the mass party , which was at the same time the leadership of the class itself Conservative and liberal parties , however much they in fact represented class interests , saw themselves as parties functioning within an established social order and a system of political institutions in which parliament was supreme .
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